  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Influence of Taipei Rapid Transit System Ventilation Shaft on Environment

指導教授 : 葉仲基


摘要 本研究乃在探討於住宅區內(或緊鄰學校)設置捷運通風口對周遭環境之空氣品質、噪音與振動等等之影響,希望藉由本研究能做有系統之探討,並依其研究結果以作為對周邊環境品質之影響謀求對策與方案。 研究過程中,本研究視通風口之排氣為污染源,針對通風口所排放氣體之TSP、PM10、PM2.5、CO、NO2、SO2、Pb等濃度與大氣測站所蒐集之環境濃度比較,以瞭解通風口排放之氣體其污染濃度與大氣環境之關係。在振動噪音方面,於通風井排氣口處設置監測儀器以瞭解來自通風口之振動與噪音污染程度,並蒐集鄰近通風口之環境振動與噪音量,釐清通風口週界處之噪音與振動的主要污染源。 由監測實驗中發現:在空氣污染方面,通風口所排放之污染氣體濃度,均在管制範圍之內,且與大氣中污染物濃度呈正相關行為,通風口所排放之污染氣體濃度受外界環境影響甚鉅。對於噪音與振動污染,通風口週界之道路交通所產生的噪音量與振動污染遠大於通風井所產生者,在夜間捷運列車停駛狀態下,所錄製的通風口週界環境之噪音量已超過管制標準。通風井之振動污染小於管制標準(ISO 2631)。對於站內、外懸浮微粒的濃度情形,監測中的公館捷運站與永安市場捷運站之站內的懸浮微粒濃度在捷運營運的時間裡,小時平均濃度均大於管制標準,但日平均濃度在管制範圍之內。


振動 空氣品質 噪音 捷運 通風口


In this study, it is mainly aimed at investigating the impact of the MRT ventilation outlets to the environment, especially for those systems close to residential areas / schools. During the research, outlets of ventilation shaft were regarded as the pollution source. For better understanding, the exhaust air of the MRT ventilation outlets, such as dust particle concentrations (including TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Carbon monoxide (CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), were collected and compared with the surrounding data from EPA. In the case of vibration and noise quality of these shafts, exhaust outlets were still regarded as the source of the pollutions. Vibration and noise of the soundings near to those shafts were considered and compared to those of ventilation shaft outlets to distinguish the real pollution source. According to the results: the air qualities of all the six ventilation shaft outlets were under the standard of EPA. And the air qualities of ventilation shafts were affected with the surroundings. Vibration and noise of surroundings contributed much more than those of ventilation shafts. As to the outside and inside dust particle concentrations of GongGuan and Yongan Market stations, the air qualities (average concentration per hour) during the MRT business hours were exceeding the values specified by the standard of EPA, but 24-hr average concentrations were both under.


Noise MRT Ventilation shaft Vibration Air quality


26. David Etheridge Mats Sandberg. 1996. Building Ventilation:Theory and Measurement. 1st ed, 391-393,475-477.England:John Wiley &Sons Ltd.
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