  • 學位論文

美國入侵伊拉克事件的社會學分析: 生命權力的觀點

指導教授 : 葉啟政


2003年,布希政權不理會世界各地風起雲湧的反戰活動,向伊拉克發動戰爭。主戰與反戰兩個陣營均利用這場戰爭捍衛其立場。但是,儘管在兩陣營表面上關於戰爭動機的解釋不同,其背後卻藏著一個共同的認知框架與宣稱。這個框架就是人民的生命。本論文認為,這個框架可以用由傅柯首先提出的「生命權力」與「生命政治」的概念加以看待。傅柯的理論可以上溯到尚武派的觀點,也就是施米特關於主權-戰爭的理論。透過尚武派的框架,傅柯將戰爭與生命權力結合起來。而阿干本則巧妙地將傅柯與施米特的觀點結合起來,發展出Homo Sacer的概念,讓施米特以降的主權理論朝生命權力的方向發展。本文認為,2003年的伊美之戰便是一場關於生命政治的戰爭,伊拉克的人民在生命權力的配置裡成為homo sacer,其困境便是由此而來。這場戰爭或許不是最後一次與生命政治有關的戰爭,生命權力與戰爭的糾葛未來仍值得我們注意。


In 2003, the Bush administration waged war against Iraq despite energetic waves of protest worldwide. Both camps, taking pro or con views on the war, make the war a case for defending their respective grounds. Beyond their ostensibly different interpretation on the rationale of war, both camps share the same gird and same claim on the war; and "saving human lives" gives the grid a concrete content. The thesis proposes that the idea of biopolitque (biopolitics) and biopouvoir (biopower), first coined by Michel Foucault, could serve as the grid. Foucault's theory of biopower could trace back to a tradition of militarist theory, in which the most eminent theoretician, Carl Schmitt, proposes a sovereignty-war theory. In the frame of militarist theory, Foucault relates war to biopower. But it is not until Giorgio Agamben identifies the concept of Home Sacer that the former two theoreticians' visions and insights articulate brilliantly, and the theory of sovereignty is reoriented toward biopower. This thesis defines the iraqi-american war in 2003 as a war of biopolitics, and iraqi people's suffering was a result of being homines sacri in the deployment of biopower. This biopolitical war may not be the last one of its kind; and biopower, which is inextricably interwined with war, still demands our attention in the future.


Beck, Ulrich
Bush, George W.
Chomsky, Noam
2000 Rogue States:The Rule of Force in World Affairs, Cambridge, MA:South End Press.
Foucault, Michel
