  • 學位論文


Correlation between KBlog monitoring for Typing Performance and Forearm EMG

指導教授 : 黃耀輝


由於電腦使用者(VDT user)之疲勞程度和操作時間與工作量有密切的關連,若能直接量測電腦使用者的工作量,極有可能是預測是否達到疲勞及其疲勞程度的有效指標。而目前多以肌電圖表現做為肌肉的工作負荷指標,但肌電圖在實地研究(field study)應用有其限制,需要有比肌電圖更適合實地研究的應用工具出現,減少因量測工具而產生的實地研究限制。因此本研究目的在評估打字紀錄軟體,KBlog,與前臂肌電圖之相關性,以期在實地研究時,可替代部份的肌電圖功能或做為初步檢測的工具。 本研究以上肢肌肉疼痛組23人與健康組28人,兩組共有51名女性受試者,以標準英文打字法進行分別為90分鐘與120分鐘的連續打字作業,並記錄其打字作業的肌電圖表現和KBlog表現。在測試前後皆填寫評估問卷評估其主觀的生理及心理狀態。 分析結果發現,健康組的鍵上停置時間(Key holding time)比疼痛組短且健康組的擊鍵頻率比疼痛組高,而且在打字作業初期會以明顯較快的擊鍵頻率進行打字作業,但擊鍵頻率隨著測試時間而有降低的趨勢,到了75分鐘以後,健康組和疼痛組的擊鍵頻率無顯著差異。 肌電圖振幅和擊鍵頻率及平均鍵上停置時間的標準差呈正相關,和平均鍵上停置時間、最小20個鍵上停置時間、最小20鍵上停置時間的標準差呈負相關。肌電圖中位頻率則和擊鍵頻率呈現負相關,和平均鍵上停置時間、最小20個鍵上停置時間呈正相關。


The fatigue of VDT user is highly associated with their working duration and workload. If the actual workload and working duration could be recorded, then it will very easy to predict fatigue or/and its extent. At present, the muscle fatigue is mainly measured by variation of frequency and amplitude in electromyography(EMG). For field study, the EMG recording system is not so convenient to be applied to all study participants of a large sample size. Obviously, a new substitute monitoring method therefore is needed. KBlog, a typing recording system with proved good reliability, seems to be a much more convenient alternative. In this study, we evaluate the correlation between correlation between typing performance monitored with KBlog recording system and the typists’ forearm EMG. This study recruited two groups of subjects, upper extremity pain group and healthy control group, which consisted of 28 and 23 female subjects respectively. These two groups were requested to perform 90 and 120 minutes continuous typing task respectively. The subjects were interviewed with questionnaires for subjective physical and psychological fatigue status before and after the typing task. During the typing task, the EMG monitoring was applied on forearms; meanwhile the typing performance and key stroke time were recorded by KBlog. The results of KBlog show the key holding time in healthy group is significantly shorter then the pain group. And, the typing frequency of the healthy group was a little bit faster than the pain group. Moreover, the typing frequency becomes not significant different between the two groups after 75 minutes of typing work. The EMG amplitude was positively correlated to typing frequency and standard deviation of key holding time and negatively correlated to average key holding time, minimum 20 key holding time and standard deviation of minimum 20 key holding time. The median frequency of EMG was negatively correlated to typing frequency and was positively correlated to average Key holding time and minimum 20 key holding time.


VDT user Workload typing task


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