  • 學位論文


Sampling techniques for IPM decision-making of the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring) on net-house tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

指導教授 : 陳秋男


本試驗為發展設施栽培番茄園中銀葉粉蝨防治決定的取樣技術。藉著取樣技術,判斷田間害蟲為害嚴重性,以決定防治措施的施行與否,而達到蟲害管理的目的。首先調查銀葉粉蝨於番茄上的基本統計資料,以判斷其田間的分布類型,再決定取樣計算公式。調查工作係於2002年4月至6月、10月至2003年1月;與2003年3月至6月、11月至2004年2月於新竹縣關西鎮亞太農場進行。每週定期逢機取樣,以葉片為單位,直接翻葉記數銀葉粉蝨成蟲數、若蟲數。在番茄植株的垂直分布上,銀葉粉蝨無論成蟲與若蟲均於整株可見,但活動範圍以植株的中、下層為主(約佔80%)。以卡方符合度檢驗成蟲、若蟲於番茄園的空間分布型式,發現調查的47筆資料中,成蟲有38筆符合負二項分布,若蟲有26筆符合負二項分布,將成蟲與若蟲資料合併計算則有27筆符合負二項分布。調查所得數據,符合Taylor’s Power Law (S2 = amb),其中成蟲的a值為2.054、b值為1.288;而若蟲的a值為3.729、b值為1.481,顯示不論銀葉粉蝨成蟲、若蟲均為聚集分布。依Iwao的*m-m迴歸方程式(m* = α+βm),得到成蟲的α值為1.130、β值為1.223;若蟲的α值為7.457、β值為1.303,表示銀葉粉蝨族群組成單位為小聚落,小聚落在番茄園中呈聚集分布。而成蟲與若蟲合併資料之a值為3.853、b值為1.492;α值為7.802、β值為1.358。上述統計介量可計算出族群密度估計的最適取樣數。再則根據空間分布型式,使用負二項分布的Common K並設防治基準m1為32(隻)、m2為64(隻);Type I error及Type II error均為0.1時,可得到成蟲與若蟲合併之逐次取樣的USV(upper stop value)方程式為44.423× n + 91.4;LSV(lower stop value)方程式為44.423 × n-91.4。若使用Iwao的mean crowding-mean regression發展的逐次取樣方程估算成蟲與若蟲合併資料,可得USV為 ;LSV為 (q為檢視樣本數)。若不記數蟲數,改以記算受害葉片比率發展的Binomial sequential sampling,在定義每葉≧1隻銀葉粉蝨蟲體為受害葉片時,可得到Binomial sequential sampling之方程式為LSV為 、USV為 ( n為檢視樣本數)。 用逐次取樣模型佐以適當的防治基準,可做為推廣計畫中判斷田間害蟲危害等級的快速判定方法,以決定適當防治措施施行時機。


I conducted studies to develop sampling plans for the decision-making of control action of silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring ) on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivated under net-house in the Asia Pacific Farm, Guansi Township, Hsinchu County. Using sequential sampling plans can help agriculturist to judge the damage of target pest and to decide whether control is needed. Before developing sequential sampling plans, I need to examine the distribution model of target pest in the grove. Random leaf samplings were taken weekly for four crop seasons, namely, from April to June, 2002, October, 2002 to January, 2003, March to June, 2003,and November, 2003 to February, 2004. In terms of vertical distribution, adults and nymphs were abundant on leaves at the middle and the bottom stratum of tomato (80%) than on leaves at the top stratum. Using X2-test to examine the fitness of the negative binomial distribution to the frequency data collected from the field, I concluded that negative binomial distribution fitted well to most of data sets. Thirty-three out of 47 data sets of adults and 26 out of 47 data sets of nymphs were in compliance with negative binomial distribution. Because both adults and nymphs infested tomato, data of adults and nymphs were pooled together to develop the sequential sampling plan. Aggregation patterns measured by Taylor’s Power Law revealed that adults were aggregative (b = 1.288) as well as nymphs (b = 1.481). The same conclusion was reached by using Iwao’s mean crowding-mean regression as the parameters of adults (


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