  • 學位論文


A Conceptual Exploration on the Co-evolution between Dynamic Capabilities and Corporate Growth

指導教授 : 李吉仁


目前的策略理論中,大多皆以特定、單一的觀點來詮釋企業成長、組織本質與環境變遷三者之間的互動關係,這對於解析變動與多元現象,可能產生侷限性而陷入思考盲點。因此,如何建立一種更多元與全觀性的策略思維,以因應充滿不確定性與呈現出規律與變動交織而成的複雜經營環境,成為策略研究的挑戰。為回應此一研究議題,本研究擬以企業動態能耐為基礎,採取共同演化之觀點,來探討企業成長與產業生態環境之間的互動架構與相關策略內涵,試圖針對企業整合成長模式、組織基架、與企業變革基模,提出觀念架構,最後,本研究將透過一個複雜企業的個案,以系統化地檢視前述所發展的觀念架構。 任何企業對其他企業的影響必定會回饋造成自身的改變,從而形成一個具備多向性與循環性的因果關係,各變數之間會有複雜的交互影響。宏觀演化層次的整合模式對企業而言,有效的策略不僅是在尋求延伸應用企業現有的能耐於既有的市場中,更要藉由創(更)新能耐來強化其生態系統(商業系絡)以及創造更多新市場契機,而最重要的關鍵是在企業的(網絡)關係能耐建構、延伸與更新。在微觀演化中,企業的策略、策略系絡與組織系絡決定共同演化關鍵元件活動的內涵,也從而決定在共同演化觀點下企業核心能耐與持續性競爭優勢的來源與因果互動關係。 立體網絡基架在實務上可用以協助執行組織策略,達成組織目標所決定之組織內部的水平分工方法、垂直分權程度、「課責、職權、職責」三位一體之指揮系統的安排、人力與資源的配置、垂直與水平溝通網絡的建立;也具體化以策略定位及競爭優勢建構需求為基礎的組織平衡設計之決策程度取捨:分權化vs.集權化、差異化vs.整合度、標準化vs.彈性調整、正式化vs.非正式化,更同時兼顧策略、政治、文化等三種不同觀點的組織內涵,因此,符合動態平衡的組織基架之意涵,故立體網絡基架可與組織目的、管理系統與組織文化發揮綜效,而建立協同並進與持舊創新的組織能耐,並在間斷均衡混沌中,進行動態調適與革新的平衡。 真正的企業變革必須是基於既有核心能耐的延伸與新核心能耐的創造之循環演化,而核心能耐的延伸與創新是在動態、開放和間斷均衡狀態下,透過混沌邊緣中的複雜自我組織過程產生的,既非純然理性調適,亦非純然環境決定,而是理性調適和環境決定在複雜自我組織過程中相互調和的共同出像。企業變革的重點應是在動態導向之共同演化能耐(內部的組織能耐與外部的關係能耐)系絡管理,而非靜態導向的組織結構安排。


Most of current strategy theories interpret the interplay among environmental changes, corporate growth strategy, organization structure tend to take rather narrow focus and perspective, which fails to capture the dynamics underlying strategy. The present research therefore suggests we take a co-evolution framework and competence-based view to examine the interplays between corporate growth and industry ecology. Upon a thorough review of relevant literatures and case study, this research attempts to furnish a comprehensive framework to depict three research issues; they are integrated model of corporate growth, dynamic balance of organizational architecture, and schema of corporate transformation. The integrative model of macro-evolutionary level implies that an effective strategy not only looks for exploitation opportunities of existing competencies, but also explores new competencies to reinforce its industry ecology and create new growth options. In addition, the integrative model of micro-evolutionary level implies that company strategy, strategic context, and organizational context decide the key co-evolutionary elements and activities in common, as well as determine the sources and causal relationship of core competencies and sustainable competitive advantages. The three-layered network architecture implements the organizational strategy and accomplishes the organizational goals which encompass the horizontal collaboration, vertical empowerment, command system in terms of consistency between accountability, authority, and responsibility, allocation of human power and resources, establishment of horizontal and vertical communication network. It also come up with the decision trade-off of organizational balance design, including de-centralization vs. centralization, differentiation vs. integration, standardization vs. flexible adjustment, formalization vs. Informal system. The three-layered network architecture is fully in accord with the definition of dynamic balance of organization architecture and will generate synergies together with organizational purpose, management system, and organizational culture to construct the cooperative, exploited, and explored organizational competencies under the chaos and punctuated equilibrium. The genuine corporate transformation must exist in cyclic evolution based upon the exploitation of existing core competencies and exploration of new core competencies. The leveraging and innovation of core competencies will come out in the course of complex, self-organized and under the dynamic, open, punctuated equilibrium environment. At last, the critical issue of corporate transformation lies not so much on static organizational structure arrangement as in contextual management of dynamic co-evolutionary competencies.


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