  • 學位論文


Development of A Web-Based 3D fMRI Data Management and Analysis System with Literature Mining Result

指導教授 : 陳志宏


神經認知科學是一門蓬勃發展中的學問,加上MRI 技術近年來的愈益成熟, 以fMRI 研究大腦已經成為學界熱門技術。而本論文建立了一個三維影像的網路 資料庫系統,利用3D 視覺化的方式來呈現結果並分析實驗資料,且提供了fMRI 實驗的分享平台與相關文獻資訊統計,讓認知心理學家在使用本系統檢索影像的 過程中,可以搭配著3D 視覺化的輔助來即時分析實驗並且與他人比較實驗結 果,更可以獲得相關的文獻資訊,除了解決過去認知心理學家對於龐大資料管理 的麻煩,以及需要配合其他外掛程式才能查詢解剖區域名稱,也克服了無法即時 與其他認知心理學家分析的結果比較,與缺少立即相關文獻資訊回顧的輔助等問 題。 本系統技術的部分主要是利用Java 與MSSQL 建立互動式的網路資料庫系 統,藉由VRML 呈現即時生成的實驗資料三維模型,並透過Javascript 在VRML 與Java 之間傳遞參數,達成三維影像與二維解剖三視圖之間的互動,來呈現反 應區的分布概況與位置資訊,亦能直觀地獲得反應所在的解剖區域名稱與操作出 欲觀察的剖面,更可以針對大腦各區域活化程度作統計分析。 另外,也提供多筆實驗之間的交叉比對功能,來觀察大腦反應活化的交集與 聯集狀況,探討實驗設計上的細節,最後搭配顯示相關文獻摘要的服務,讓使用 者可以評估實驗的結果,藉此期望使用者能更方便地分析實驗,來收斂實驗的結 果,使神經認知科學之發展更為深入且有效率。


Cognitive neuroscience has been studied for several years, recently, the technique of MRI has already become the famous tool for the research of brain cognition neuroscience. We develop 3D fMRI database to serve the platform for analyzing with 3D visualization and sharing data on web, and provide related information of past papers. This system assists psychologists to manage and analyze experiment data with 3D visualization and compare with others, and get related information of past papers. We solve some nowadays problems without installing any plug-in programs to query anatomical labels information and serving the literature-mining integrated and cross-analysis platform . The system is an interactive web database based on Java and MSSQL with building animate 3D structure on web in real time. In order to present the activation region and position in 3D, we utilize Javascript to transmit parameters between Java and VRML for visualized interaction of 2D slices-3D sections. And it also could provide statistical results of activation and section-cutted or transparent structure mapped by anatomical labels . Besides, users can also observe the union and intersection condition conveniently with 3D visualization to evaluate the details of experiments. Finally, the function of displaying related literature-mining information would be provided by this system, and it would support the evaluation of consequences and promote cognitive neuroscientists to study fMRI in depth and more efficiently.


[1] The Statistical Parametric Mapping.
[4] Talairach Deamon Database
[5] The Whole Brain Atlas
[7] 3D slicer
[9] PubMed
