  • 學位論文

森鷗外的官僚批判意識 --依其身分及社會背景的官僚批判變化為中心--

Mori gai’s criticism on the Japanese bureaucracy : Based on his social status and social background

指導教授 : 朱秋而


本論文主要在探討日本文豪森鷗外的官僚批判意識,以身分的不同以及作家當時所處的時代與社會背景為中心來進行考究。 首先於序論處先闡明研究動機、研究現況以及研究內容和方法;接著進入本論,共分為四大章節:第一章是以軍醫森鷗外的身分來探討其官僚批判意識。內容包括鷗外對於軍醫相關的機關及政策所進行的官僚批判意識來探討。其次是鷗外於德國留學前後期間及和上司、同僚及下屬間的權謀批判意識來進行探討。第二章是以文學家鷗外的身份來探討其官僚批判意識。內容從小倉左遷開始一直到大逆事件前後為主軸來進行探討。例如鷗外對於文藝院設立的意見及評論,還有對於當時政府強烈進行言論干涉的不滿及反彈。第三章則為第二章的延續,主要以大逆事件前後鷗外所發表的文章中所呈現之傍觀、諦觀、犠牲者以及謀求解放的態度和意識來進行分析與探討。第四章則以鷗外擔任帝室博物館總長兼圖書頭時期的官僚批判意識為中心來進行探討。從公職退休的問題開始,一直到鷗外的後期作品中所呈現的自我批判意識,最後以分析鷗外的第三封遺書作結。 就結論而言,鷗外的官僚批判對象及其批判的立場和心態,會隨著他的身分及當時的時代、社會背景不同而產生變化。身為軍醫的鷗外其主要的批判對象為機關、政策、及人心方面的權謀批判。就心態上而言,可窺得知他是以身為軍醫組織的重要官員,肩負軍醫之責來進行批判的。但由於種種官僚間的問題,化身為文學者的鷗外所批判的對象則由軍醫界擴展到了政治界,且以文藝政策等相關領域之批判為多,同時也透露出鷗外極力想擺脫身為軍醫之責,單純以文學家之眼來進行客觀的官僚批判。而擔任帝室博物館總長兼圖書頭時期的鷗外,其批判對象除了軍醫及政治界外,自我批判的意識更形明顯,在自我批判的同時也間接全面否定了整個龐大的官僚體系。鷗外雖有身為官僚一員的認知,但仍可窺得他希冀以文學家的角度來進行官僚批判的複雜心理。


This research focuses on the Japanese writer Mori Ōgai’s criticism on the Japanese bureaucracy. This paper examines his diverse identities, such as an army surgeon, an Imperial Museum president and a writer. At first, we expound the motivation behind this research, studying situation, context and approaching methods. This paper divided into four parts. The first chapter will be discussing his criticism on the organizations and policies related to army surgeons. Furthermore, it mentions the mental variations related to his superiors, colleagues and subordinates working together before, during and after going aboard to Germany. In the second chapter, we discuss Ōgai’s points of view as a writer, from the time he got relegated to Kokura to the time of High Treason Incident. For example, the controversy over the establishment of the Art and Literature Academy(文芸院) and his disappointment on the government’s censorship upon the freedom of speech. Chapter 3 is continuation of chapter 2. It inducts his psychological transformation, from disappointment, dispassion to resign, the thought of victim, and his attitude for pursuing released through his works written before and after the High Treason Incident. In the final chapter, illustrate Ōgai’s disapproval of the Japanese bureaucracy when he was the President of Imperial Museum(帝室博物館総長), this includes the problem of retirement and his self–reflection through his works, and his third testament is analyzed at the end. In conclusion, the object of the criticism and the standpoint and the psychology behind the bureaucrat criticism alters depend on his various identities and social background at the time. As an army surgeon, the object of the criticism will be on agencies, policies, and the people’s mental variations which were related to army surgeons. On the other hand, we could deciphered the army surgeon’s responsibility of Ōgai is shouldered. Due to the complexity in the bureaucrat system, his object of the criticism expanded from the army surgeon to the politics field, especially the policies related to art and literature. Moreover, Ōgai was desperate to alleviate the responsibility of being an army surgeon, and criticize simply as a writer. During the time serve as president of Imperial Museum, his self-examination was much more in depth. Although he recognized the irony as being a bureaucrat himself, nonetheless, he still condemns the system.


13、 ヘレン・M・ホッパー(Helen M. Hopper)著 木村康男訳(1976)「知的自由の圧迫に対する鷗外の反応」(Mori Ōgai’s Response to Suppression of Intellectual Freedom, 1909―12)『鷗外記念会19』鷗外記念室
1、 森林太郎著(1972)『鷗外全集 第四巻』岩波書店
2、 森林太郎著(1972)『鷗外全集 第五巻』岩波書店
3、 森林太郎著(1972)『鷗外全集 第七巻』岩波書店
