  • 學位論文


Signal Combining with Interference Management for Relay Transmissions

指導教授 : 李學智
共同指導教授 : 張進福


無線通訊已成為現今社會通信的潮流,在下行通訊時,基地台會傳送不同的信號給不同的用戶,同樣地,在上行通訊時,各個用戶會傳送不同的信號給基地台。故不同用戶間,信號彼此會互相干擾,而為了克服干擾問題,分時、分頻的方式雖然是個辦法;然而當用戶愈來愈多時,這些資源將不夠使用,有鑑於此,利用中繼站(relay)來幫忙傳輸是較新型的辦法,它可以提供空間作為資源。 中繼站的功能主要有兩種,第一,它提供了新的路徑,使目的端(destination)能多接收到此新路徑的信號,以做信號整合(signal combining),第二,我們可以藉由設計中繼站,來幫助目的端做干擾管理(interference management)。 在本篇論文裡,我們會同時設計中繼站和目的端,做信號整合和干擾管理,並以較為完整且實際的假設做為考量,我們也會使用蒙地卡羅法模擬出傳輸效能,以利不同方法的比較。


Wireless communication has become the trend of modern communications. In the downlink, the base station sends different signals to different users, and in the uplink, each user sends different signals to the base station. So the signals will interfere with each other. In order to solve the interference problem, one can use time-division multiplexing or frequency-division multiplexing. However, when the number of users become larger and larger, these resources may not be enough to allocate for all users. Therefore, spatial resource is considered here and relaying can provide this kind of resource. There are two advantages for relay transmissions. First, relay provides a new path, so destination can receive repeated signal to do signal combining. Second, relay can help destination to do interference management. In this thesis, we jointly design relay and destination to do signal combining and interference management. Our goals and considerations are mainly focused on more realistic scenarios and more efficient utilization of spectrum. In order to compare with other methods, we demonstrate the transmission performance by Monte Carlo simulations.


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