  • 學位論文


A Study on Key Success Factors of Taiwanese Biotech Firms’ Performances

指導教授 : 李顯峰
共同指導教授 : 孫智麗(Chih-Li Sun)


回顧台灣的產業發展進程,資訊電子產業的欣欣向榮為台灣經濟帶來了榮景與發展。而憑藉著台灣所擁有的優勢條件與政府的政策規劃,也使得台灣的資訊電子產業競爭力名列前茅,揚名國際。   瞻望未來的發展趨勢,隨著世界人口遽增,資源逐漸匱乏,氣候環境變遷,以及即將步入高齡化社會等現象逐漸浮上檯面,生物科技產業的發展與潛力已經是勢在必行。生物科技產業,不僅是世界各國欲爭奪的下一個灘頭堡,也更是全人類面臨永續發展議題時的唯一解決之道。   台灣自1980年代起開始對生物科技產業列為重點發展目標,並訂定各項輔導政策以挹注台灣生物科技廠商的發展。而政策成功的關鍵在於,面對即將到來的生物經濟時代,如何將先前輔導資訊電子產業的成功經驗,轉化為輔導台灣生技產業廠商發展時的借鑑。生物科技產業與資訊電子產業同為高技術與高知識密集型的產業,而資訊電子產業著重以研發密集度作為政策與研究的判斷依據。那麼,生物科技產業是否也能以此依據作為各項政策施行的標準呢?這是本研究嘗試回答的問題。   本研究使用台灣經濟研究院生物科技產業研究中心調查的「102年度生技廠商問卷」中的107家廠商做為樣本資料,以產業經濟學研究方法為經緯,建立計量模型以探求台灣生技產業的共通性質與產業特色,並嘗試為上述的問題尋求解答。   本研究的實證結果可提供日後相關研究的參考,茲簡單歸納如下: (一) 員工數變動量對營業額變動量有顯著正向關係;研發密集度與員工數變動量間具有內生效果。 (二) 研發密集度與營業額變動量之間有顯著負向關係;研發密集度大於等於3%或小於3%對營業額變動量有顯著影響。 (三) 高學歷員工比率對於營業額有正向關係。 (四) 生技產業勞動產出彈性估計值大於1,勞動投入報酬率高。


As we look back to the industry development in Taiwan, the prosperity of IT industry contributes to Taiwan economy a lot. With IT industry, the competence of Taiwan becomes outstanding upon the whole world. When we looking forward to the trend of the world, with population boom、decreased resource、climate change and aging society, the biotech industry are becoming more and more important. It’s not only because biotech industry are profitable, but also are the only way to solve the environmental problems. Taiwan began to develop biotech industry after 1980s, and encourage it with some policies. But whether the policies would succeed or not, depends on how to adapt the past experience using to encourage IT industry. Biotech industry is same as IT industry in some ways, since both of it depends on R&D investments. Then, to examine the difference between biotech industry and IT industry, is the key object of this research. This research’s database is from Taiwan Institute of Economic Research Yuan, and it collects 102 biotech firms in Taiwan in 2012. This research based from the theory of industrial economics, using econometric models to analyze the solution of the question mentioned above. The outcome of the research can be concluded in four points: 1.Changes in the amount of employees have significant positive relation with the changes of turnover; there is mediation between R&D intensity and the amount of employees. 2.There are significant negative relations between R&D intensity and the changes of turnover; the turnover makes difference between firms higher or lower than 3% in R&D intensity. 3.The ratio of higher education degree employees have positive relations with the changes of turnover. 4.The elasticity between output and labor is higher than one.


楊志海&陳忠榮,2002,”研究發展,專利與生產力—台灣製造業的實證研究”, 《經濟論文叢刊》,30(1),pp.27-48
林建憲,2007,”政府研發補助對於研發績效之影響-以工業局輔導案為例” ,台灣大學經濟學研究所碩士論文
