  • 學位論文


Pricing Strategy of E-commerce Company’s Cross-border Logistics Considering Different Customer Utilities and Volume Discount Contracts

指導教授 : 蔣明晃


隨著網路購物普及和跨國運輸業者增加,使全球逐漸興起跨境網路購物風潮,然而有些海外購物網站並未提供跨國運輸服務或國際運費相較於產品價格過高,而使消費者打消購物想法。因此出現許多海外代購業者以及專營代購業務之購物網站,本研究與欲執行跨境電子商務之公司進行訪談,瞭解台灣國內網購市場漸趨飽和以及跨境交易將會成為全球電商競爭的新市場,該公司將利用其在多國所設立的據點及與第三方物流商密切的合作關係,打造一個在台灣即能夠以較經濟之價格購買來自各國商品的跨境交易網站。 跨境物流最重要的即是運送時間的訂定,因為運送時間會對運輸服務之價格和市場需求產生影響。市場競爭開啟了時基競爭(Time-based competition),使企業開始注重保證運送時間(Delivery time guarantee)的議題,有提供單一運送時間保證者(Uniform delivery time),如:保證貨物七天內一定送達消費端;亦有提供多樣選擇予顧客者(Differentiated delivery time),例如快遞業者提供隔日送達與一週送達的服務選項,本研究將致力於探討企業應如何訂定保證運送時間以獲得最佳利益。隨著消費者對自身喜好的瞭解,企業能夠將顧客分為時間敏感與價格敏感兩種,本研究針對不同客群對保證運送時間的反應建構各別的需求函數,並探討是否應針對不同客群提供不同運輸服務或對所有顧客提供單一服務定價。同時亦將顧客效用加入模型中,探討客群對服務之評價對保證運送時間的影響;亦考慮電商公司與第三方物流商所簽訂的數量折扣合約之數量是否會對跨境電商的利益產生影響。本研究敏感度分析結果為若企業無產能限制則差別取價會產生較多利潤;若有產能限制則合併定價會產生較高之單位利潤。


Through the prevalence of online shopping and the increase of cross-border logistics service providers, cross-border online shopping became a trend. However, some online shops do not provide overseas delivery or shipment fee is too high compared to the value of products. As a result, after consulting cross-border e-commerce company, I realized e-commerce market in Taiwan is saturated and cross-border transactions will become a fierce battle field of global e-commerce. The essence of cross-border logistics is guaranteed delivery time because it affects price and market demand. There are a variety of strategies for time-based competition, and the most common two strategies are uniform delivery time and differentiated delivery time. Example of the former is e-commerce company usually makes a seven-days-delivery guarantee to its customers, and instance of the latter is that courier provides express and normal delivery services for its customers. In this paper, I contribute to build up a model helping companies to choose the most profitable strategy. With the understanding that customers could be divided into two groups by their sensitivities to delivery time, lead-time sensitive and price sensitive. Therefore, I build up a model considering different customer demands in separate demand functions and also take customer utilities and delivery contracts with 3PL into consideration. I find out that company without capacity limitation should apply price differentiation strategy; otherwise, it should take uniform delivery guarantee strategy.


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