  • 學位論文


Neural Correlates of Perspective and Consistency Effects on Visual Perspective-Taking

指導教授 : 周泰立


觀點轉換是心智理論系統的一部份,也是幫助我們理解他人心理狀態的核心認知功能。本研究採取 Samson 等人(2010)的點數作業(Dot Task)來探討在視覺觀點轉換中的內隱心智理論,以及「觀點」(他人/自我)與「一致性」(一致/不一致)對實驗的影響。本研究招募了二十三位台灣健康成人,指認在他們所看到的畫面中,自己抑或是畫面中卡通人物的觀點視野中有幾個點數。在一致的回合中,受試者與卡通人物的觀點看到一樣數目的點數,在不一致的回合中則會看到不一樣數目的點數。每位參與者共進行 120 個回合,並同步進行事件相關設計的功能性磁振造影掃描。在行為資料上,二因子變異數分析(觀點´一致性)的結果顯示了「一致性」的主要效果達到統計顯著:受試者在一致的回合中,有較高的正確率(p = .005)與較快的反應時間(p < .001)。而「觀點」的主要效果,以及二因子的交互作用均未達統計顯著。功能性磁振造影的影像結果顯示,在〔自我不一致>他人不一致〕的對比中,左側的額下迴(IFG)與雙側的顳頂交界區(TPJ)均有較高的活化量。功能性連結分析以及後續的相關分析進一步顯示這兩個區域在本實驗中的關鍵性。這些結果顯示:點數作業確實能夠激發人們的內隱心智理論,用以計算他人的視覺觀點。而 TPJ 與 IFG 則在處理觀點衝突的過程中,分別負責計算不同觀點,及選取正確/抑制無關的觀點內涵。


Perspective-taking is a fundamental mental process supporting the understanding of others’ mental status, and is regarded as a part of the Theory of Mind (ToM) system. In this study, we used the Dot Task (Samson et al., 2010) to study implicit ToM in visual perspective-taking, and to examine effects of Perspective (Self/Other) and Consistency (Consistent/Inconsistent, between Self/Other perspectives) on task performance. Twenty-three healthy Taiwanese adults were asked how many dots he/she (Self trials) or a cartoon character (Other trials) saw on a screen, with 120 trials. In Consistent trials, the participant saw as many dots as the character did, whereas in Inconsistent trials, the participant saw a different number of dots as the character did. Neuroimaging data were simultaneously acquired using an event-related functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) design with jittered inter-stimulus intervals. Two-way Perspective-by-Consistency ANOVAs showed a main effect of Consistency, with better accuracy (p = .005) and response time (p < .001) on Consistent trials; there was no significant interaction, nor main effect of Perspective. Functional imaging results for contrast [Self Inconsistent > Other Inconsistent] yielded greater activation in the left IFG and bilateral TPJ. Functional connectivity and correlational analyses also confirmed the task-specificity of the two regions. These findings suggest that the Dot task can be used to trigger implicit ToM, and that the TPJ and IFG play critical roles in the processing of conflicting perspectives in VPT, with the TPJ responsible for calculating perspectives, and the IFG selecting the relevant and inhibiting the irrelevant perspectives.


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