  • 學位論文


Marketing Channels and Market Prices for Domestic Produced Cabbage and Chinese Cabbage

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


以臺北市果菜批發市場而言,甘藍與結球白菜成交量占全場超過5分之1,可見甘藍與結球白菜對消費者的重要性,尤其深受消費者喜愛的甘藍在颱風來臨時,經常成為消費者搶購目標,也因為甘藍到貨量的多寡,常常左右著蔬菜價格的變化,又被稱為「菜母」。近年由於颱風災害嚴重,導致供需失衡,因此甘藍的產銷問題成為眾所注目焦點。本研究擬藉由運銷通路的調查,深入瞭解國產甘藍與結球白菜之產銷模式、中間商的運銷職能、運銷通路占比及與演變,提供政府調節供需,制定蔬菜產銷策略之參考。 為進行國產甘藍與結球白菜從農民採收到消費者手中的運銷通路分析,本文研究方法為設計調查問卷,分為產地、運銷、零批三階階段調查,調查對象為農民、共同運銷單位、販運商、零批商等4大群體,以面對面或電話訪談方式進行調查。除分析運銷通路占比外,本研究並結合成本、價格及災害受損等資料,探討發生災害受損及盛產時,價格變動對農民獲利之影響。 由本研究調查及歷年調查資料發現,農民的貨品不論經過共同運銷或販運商通路,均以批發市場為聚集的中心;運銷層次有縮短趨勢,量販店超市通路占比明顯提高,直接向批發市場或產地採購的比例增加,零售商的通路占比降低,零批商的主要客戶不再是零售商而是團膳、餐廳等大消費戶。 成本與售價之比較分析結果,甘藍經常發生生產過剩,不敷成本的情形,風險較高,而結球白菜批發價格都在成本之上,獲利甘藍較佳。本研究建議以控制種苗總量的方式,調節產量、政府適時辦理進口甘藍,且以消費地批發市場作為調節供需的重點,或透過超市通路銷售、同時加強宣導消費者選購其他蔬菜,以緩和甘藍需求壓力,以及每10年辦理運銷通路調查。


In terms of Taipei City fruit and vegetable wholesale market, cabbage and Chinese cabbage contribute for more than 20% of total trading volume and hence cabbage and Chinese cabbage are important for consumers. During the typhoon season, consumers tend to grab more beloved cabbage. Cabbage is called “vegetable main factor” because general vegetable price is greatly impacted by the supply volume of cabbage. In recent years, typhoon disaster tends to cause imbalance between supply and demand of vegetable, therefore, the issue of cabbage production and marketing has become the focus of attention. By conducting survey covering marketing channels, this paper intends to understand the production and marketing patterns of domestic cabbage and Chinese cabbage, the marketing functions of the brokers, and the evolution and proportion of marketing channels. This paper could be used as a reference when government tries to adjust demand and supply or try to draw up vegetable production and marketing strategy. As the research method in this paper, by having face to face or telephone interview, surveys will be conducted to analyze the production and distribution of domestic cabbage and Chinese cabbage right from gathering in the farm to purchase by consumers.Questionnaires will be allocated into 3 stages: production origin, distribution and jobber market. Respondents for the surveys will be farmers, shippers, joint marketing, and jobbers.In addition to analyzing the proportion of marketing channels , this study will also digest data relating to cost, price and disaster damage and other information to explore how price movement impacts the farms’ profitability when there is disaster and abundant. According to research in this paper and historical data, the farmers’ products will be gathered in wholesale market, by joint marketing or shipper merketing .Distributions has less layers and mass merchandise outlets and supermarket as distribution channels have more market share and often purchase directly from wholesale market or production sites. On the other hand, retailers have less market share. Institutional consumers become major customers of jobbers instead of retailers. From the analysis of cost and prices, it is noticeable that cabbage is often over supplied and hence risk is higher when the costs cannot be covered. Chinese cabbage’s wholesale price is generally higher than the cost and the profitability is better than cabbage. This study suggests that government can adjust production by controlling the total volume of seedlings. Government can import cabbage timely and adjust supply and demand mainly at consumer wholesale market or suppermarket. At the same time,to promote consummers buying other not damaged vegetables, will relax the pressure of demand for cabbage. Every 10 years, government should conduct the survey of vegetable‘s production and distribution.


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