  • 學位論文

運用BIM技術進行機電設計與整合探討 -以捷運新建案為例

A Research of the MEP Design and Integration with BIM Technology - A Case Study of MRT Projects

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


高科技廠房與現代化建築物之機電專業系統因設備、管線種類與數量繁多,例如執行智慧建築設計的專案或是大型的捷運工程,設計中的錯誤、漏項、碰撞與缺失等問題如未能在施工之前也就是設計整合過程中未能發現或解決,將導致後續施工階段一連串的問題。多數研究已提出建築資訊模型 (Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM) 技術可提升建築物與機電設備的設計成果,尤其將建築、結構、機械、電氣和管線各組織間的介面協調工作簡化。使用BIM在設計與施工階段不僅大幅降低錯誤率,減少機電整合時間、費用及設計變更數量,更改善了工程品質與效率。 回顧多數的歷史文獻,針對機電系統 (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing,簡稱MEP) 與BIM技術之研究大多著重在3D 建模技術的探討或是解決土建系統與機電系統之間的施工界面問題,甚少從規劃階段就開始探討BIM技術應用於MEP專業與專案其他成員之間的溝通與協同整合策略。本文以工期長達5年,全生命週期採用BIM技術的大型統包工程 (Engineering, Procurement, Construction 簡稱EPC) - 「中東地區的捷運新建案」為研究對象,組織跨越全球數十個城市的專案團隊,從設計、時程管控、發包、採購、施工以及營運管理階段均以BIM工具來執行。同時為改善諸多介面問題與設計整合流程缺陷,本研究提出涵蓋規劃設計、施工與竣工階段應用BIM技術的MEP設計整合流程,藉由比較全生命週期應用BIM的實際案例及傳統專案之間於設計與施工階段的整合效益分析並提出結論與建議。 研究結果顯示,專案團隊除了著重BIM技術與MEP專業知識外,建議從專案初始即利用BIM工具進行建築設計方案選擇與施工性考量,方能將機電相關資訊正確、完整、及時地整合至工程生命週期各階段的交付成果中,對於工程品質與成本的管控有極大的助益。不可諱言,採用BIM技術導致設計階段的成本提高,然而在施工階段前已顯著降低計算錯誤及漏項之缺失,大幅減少變更設計數量;此外隨著科技的普及以及BIM團隊經驗的累積,未來也會因整體效率提高進而節省設計工時與成本。


BIM MEP Design-Bid-Build Design-Build EPC IPD 設計整合


Coordination of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems is a huge challenge for many technical projects such as Metro projects and complex buildings. Due to a mass of equipment and numerous pipelines, any errors and collision cannot be found or resolved before construction stage will lead a series of problems. Most studies have suggested that the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) promises to address the challenges of the MEP coordination process. The use of BIM in the design and construction phase not only greatly reduce the design errors, the integration time among multidiscipline, cost and the expected number of change orders, also to improve the quality and efficiency of the project. The most of the previous literature have concentrated on analysis of BIM benefit, 3D modeling technology application or how to resolve interferences between civil works and MEP systems during the construction stage, rarely derived from all phases of a project life cycle. In this paper, a five-year program of fixed-price engineering, procurement & construction Metro project use BIM technology for whole life cycle, which covers concept design, engineering design & coordination, scheduling, estimating and budgeting, procurement phase, construction phase and operations and maintenances, the BIM design work will be executed in multiple locations in globally distributed offices. In order to solve the interface problem and improving the defects of design and integration process, this study proposed a process for BIM-based MEP design and integration during the project life cycle. And moreover by comparing and analysis the effectiveness between this project and previous cases in design and construction stage to validate this practical BIM process. The results indicated the project team in addition to focusing on BIM technology and MEP expertise, it is recommended from preliminary phase to use BIM tools for architectural design decision and construction considerations, MEP models have been appropriate integrated and control measures in place before packages are released as each phase. It is found in the case study that the use of BIM may increase the design time. However, it can reduce the time of MEP coordination, the number of change orders, as well as to save overall cost by more lessons the team learned.


BIM MEP System Design-Bid-Build Design-Build EPC IPD


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