  • 學位論文


Research on Financial Technology and Innovation to Realize Financial Inclusion

指導教授 : 連勇智


世界銀行2017年的調查指出,全球約有17億人,被排除在銀行既有的金融服務之外(financial excluded)。而金融科技,正是普惠金融的重要的推動力之一。本研究希望透過深入了解普惠金融在世界各地之發展脈絡,並利用創新科技與新興商業模式之思考方式,針對關鍵成功因素加以分析及闡述,期許其能有永續運作之特性和複製擴散之可能性。接著,觀察台灣現今金融科技產業現況,及發展數位金融之進程,思考如何將適用於本地之成功創新策略或商業模式引進台灣。 因此,本研究欲探討以下兩個問題:一、國際間代表性普惠金融之創新商業模式,成功的關鍵因素為何?二、根據台灣金融科技發展的現況,未來可如何實現普惠金融的目標?釐清以上兩點後,可加深此議題與台灣本地的連結,協助政府機關、國內有意發展普惠金融之金融機構和新創企業,於此研究基礎上獲益。


According to a World Bank survey in 2017, there are approximately 1.7 billion people worldwide who are excluded from the bank's existing financial services. And financial technology is one of the important driving forces of financial inclusion. This research hopes to understand and explain the key success factors by understanding the development of Inclusive Finance and the usage of innovative technology and emerging business models around the world. It is expected that it will have the characteristics of sustainable operation and replication possibility. Next, the research observes the current situation of Taiwan's current financial technology industry and the process of developing digital finance, and consider how to introduce successful innovation strategies or business models into Taiwan. Therefore, this study explores the following two questions: First, analyzing the internationally representative innovative business model of financial inclusion, what are the key factors for success? Second, according to the current situation of Taiwan's financial technology development, how can we achieve the goal of inclusive finance in the future? After clarifying the above two points, we can deepen the link between this issue and Taiwan, and assist government agencies and domestic financial institutions and start-ups interested in developing financial inclusion to benefit from this research.


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