  • 學位論文

台灣企業導入ISO 50001能源管理系統策略研究

Establish the Energy Management System ISO 50001 Standards to organizations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 游以德


工業革命後,全球暖化日趨嚴重,世界各國為控制全球氣溫上升不超過2℃,皆積極推動各項節能減碳措施。而在目前再生能源及碳封存捕捉技術(CCS)尚在步階段,資金與技術皆有困難的情況下,依據國際能源總署(iea)研究報告,可知能源效率管理為現階段減少溫室氣體排放最有希望的手段,使節省能源、提升能源效率,已成為各國及各企業首重的議題。 國際標準組織(ISO)為提供各界於能源管理上有統一標準可茲依循,故於2011年6月正式發行ISO 50001能源管理系統(Energy Management System, EnMS)之國際標準版,作為國際間能源管理推動共同標準。標準頒布後將會影響全球能源消耗量達60%。因此,本研究期藉ISO 50001能源管理系統導入方法建立及不同行業別的案例導入,掌握與瞭解能源管理系統推動困難與問題,建立可執行的方法,同時藉由與我國能源查核比較分析,希冀提供我國後續能源管理制度更新強化之方向。 ISO 50001能源管理系統涵蓋管理系統與能源技術兩大面向,可適用於各種行業及規模,與ISO14001環境管理系統及ISO 9001品質管理系統具有高度相容性。整個推動流程,從管理責任的界定至能源政策訂定,到能源規劃推動,包括法規鑑別、能源審查、重大能源使用評估、能源基線與能源績效指標建立及目標、標的與行動計畫研擬後,緊接著進行訓練、文件化、作業管制、能源採購之實施與運作,再以監督、量測與分析與及內部稽核之檢查作業,到最後管理階層審查,係以Plan-Do-Check-Action之持續改善的架構為基礎;而能源管理系統成功之最重要原因,即為獲得最高管理階層承諾。藉由ISO 50001實施,以進行能源系統化管理,進而降低溫室氣體排放,及其他相關環境衝擊與能源成本。 本次研究案例為我國能源查核中主要的兩大主要耗能產業,包括電子業之薄膜電晶體-液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)及金屬製品製造產業。於TFT-LCD廠研究案例,藉由ISO 50001能源管理系統的導入後,在2013年單位投入產能節能績效相較於2011年可降低1.7%;預計2103年可產生222萬度/年節電績效,降低能源費用510萬元/年,同時可減少1,363公噸CO2e/年排放,相當於21萬棵樹吸碳量。而在金屬製品製造產業案例廠中,於2013年度單位產量之能源消耗量可比能源基線降低1.17%,預計可產生31,860千度/年節電績效,降低138萬元/年能源費用,同時可減少231公噸CO2e/年排放,相當於3萬棵樹木的吸碳量。 ISO 50001能源管理系統與能源查核兩者具有許多重合與雷同之處,ISO 50001能源管理系統建置,建議可採用能源查核相關之能源分析與技術資訊,而能源查核制度則可針對最高管理階層全則要求、文件化管理系統、作業管制及外部查證等機制納入,能強化能源查核制度之不足,落實提升產業之能源使用效率,協助產業有效規劃節能目標,進而達成增進產業溫室氣體排放控制能力。 未來我國若能將ISO 50001能源管理系統納入能源管理法中,將可透過系統建置,增加能源查核制度嚴謹度,藉由自廠全面能源排放基線的了解,進而分析能源產業減量潛能以致執行減量計畫,最終目標除可降低能源成本外,同時可減少溫室氣體的排放,二者實係一體之兩面。


After the Industrial Revolution, global warming is increasingly worsening. Countries around the world are actively promoting the energy saving and carbon reduction measures to prevent the global temperature rose further by 2 ° C. When the technology for new energy sources and renewable sources are still under development, according to the IEA report show energy efficiency will be currently the most useful way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. So, saving energy and improving energy efficiency has become the important issue of every countries and organization. The International Standard Organization (ISO) published ISO 50001:2011 (Energy Management System, EnMS) in June 2011, it is estimated the standard could have a positive impact on some 60 % of the world’s energy use. it is include management systems and energy technologies, follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act process for continual improvement of the energy management system. it shall define the management responsibility, energy policy, and is proceeding as energy planning that including identify the applicable legal, energy review , establish an energy baseline and energy performance indicators , energy objectives/targets and energy management action plans, and then to implementation and operation , next ,to finish check include monitoring ,measurement and audit , and finally, management review . It applicable to a variety of industry sectors and size, ensure a high level of compatibility notably with ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. The case studies are including the TFT-LCD factory and Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing factory. Energy performance result of the TFT-LCD factory ,it's energy objective and target are in 2013 year than in 2011 year decreased 1.7%, total implement 35 action plans , are expect to reduce 2.22 million (kWh/year) , reducing the energy cost about 5.1 million (NT dollars/year) , reducing 1,363 metric tons of CO2e /year, equivalent to 210 thousand trees carbon sink . Energy performance result of the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing factory ,it's energy objective and target are in 2013 year than base year decreased 1.17%, total implement 9 action plans ,is expect to reduce 378 thousand (kWh/year) , reducing the energy cost of 1.38 million (NT dollars/year) , reducing 231 metric tons of CO2e /year, equivalent to 30 thousand trees carbon sink . ISO 50001 (EnMS) and energy audit program of Taiwan Energy Management Law are both have a lot of overlap and similarities. They are both must to collect and analyze energy use and consumption, identify information of significant energy, establish energy goals and energy save programs. The most difference among them is their management system documentations, the commitment of top management, and audit. If Energy Management Law are combine with ISO 50001(EnMS), suggest to add the management system documents, the top management commitment and the verification of the third party impartial certification institutions auditing. It will to strengthen and improve our country energy management system that make our organization improve their energy efficiency, reduce their energy costs and greenhouse gases.


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9.教育部推動大專院校ISO 14001環境管理系統建制,環境先期審查概念與重大考量面鑑別教材,教育部。
4.2004,ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use,ISO.
6.2012.04,Energy Management Handbook, Business for Social Responsibility, BSR.


邱宗永(2014)。ISO 50001能源管理系統能源績效指標之研究〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.10564
