  • 學位論文


A study on the Health Management Business Model —A case study of a Health Service Provider company

指導教授 : 李書行 博士
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興 博士


美國密西根大學健康管理研究中心主任第艾鼎敦博士曾指出,健康管理對於任何企業及個人都有這樣一個秘密:90%和10%。具體的說就是90%的個人和企業在經過健康管理之後,其醫療費用通常會降到原來的10%;而10%的個人和企業若未做好健康管理,其醫療費用則會比原來上升約90%。 當一個人健康出了問題,不僅可導致自己死亡、重創自己的生活品質,更可能是對家人、社會都會造成精神面及經濟面沉重的負擔。因此,個人的健康絕對是財富的關鍵,一個人再怎麼懂得理財,卻不懂得管理自己的「健康」,人生很可能終究是一場無用的投資。 本論文之個案研究主要是以A公司為例,探討其所欲成立『健康管理服務中心』之可行性,主要以勞工健康檢查產業為研究出發點,希望可協助受檢者在定期健康檢查發現疑慮問題後,得到不一樣的優質化健康管理,透過健康管理服務,主動提醒及安排異常回診,爭取獲得早期治療之預期效果,並建立受檢者健檢異常之追蹤模式,借助系統功能主動提醒或協助安排受檢者返回醫院做異常回診追蹤,達到預防醫學之最終目標。 本研究方法是經由次級資料的蒐集及實地參觀和電話訪談等方式取得所需之相關資訊,並透過檢視每年政府之國民醫療支出、個人重大疾病之自費負擔及家人身心付出及其隱形費用支出、癌症治癒率等分析,及業者在面對現有健檢產業激烈競爭下,未來其經營策略該如何突破並建立出一個創新的健檢商業模式等逐一探討及評估其可行性。 經探討評估後認為A公司設立『健康管理服務中心』是可行的,除了可為公司帶來一些商業契機外,也可協助受檢者在健康出現警訊時,能提早發現及提前治療,與政府推動之預防醫學相結合,讓大家可活得更健康、有品質及保有尊嚴,並可為整個社會包括政府、個人及家庭省下龐大的醫療費用,減少社會資源的浪費。另醫學中心也會因受檢者回診帶來業績的提昇,所以此個案的推動,將會為社會、個人、公司本身及合作醫療院創造了多贏的局面。


Dr. Dee W. Edington, Director of the University of Michigan Health Management Research Center, has stated that there is a secret about health management: 90% and 10%. With well health management, the medical expenditures of 90% individuals and companies will decrease to 10% of which they used to pay; however, the others who have no health management program will incur extra 90% medical expenditures finally. Poor health condition not only results in deteriorated life quality but also death eventually. It will also impose heavy burden to the family and even the society in both psychological and financial aspects. Regardless of the skills of money management, every investment would be in vain if a person ignores the importance of health. This study mainly analyzed and discussed the feasibility of establishing a "Health Management Service Center" by Company A. The research focused on the labor health examination and the health management service. After health abnormalities are revealed by routine health examination, the examinee will be alerted by active reminders and hospital appointment will also be made directly. Further health tracking mode will be established. By this high quality health management system, the goal of preventive medicine will be reached ultimately. The research methods in this study included collecting materials from secondary data, visiting the company directly and telephone interview. National health expenditure, self-pay expenditure of patients with catastrophic illness, devotion of the family, the cure rate of cancers and other costs are reviewed as well. Furthermore, business strategies in current competitive health examination market and the feasibility of an innovative business model are evaluated and discussed in this study. After careful evaluation and analysis in this study, this study concludes that establishing a "Health Management Service Center" by the company A is a feasible plan. It will not only bring commercial opportunities to the company but also help the examinees find out health problems earlier. This program is also compatible to the concept of preventive medicine which is advocating by the government. By carrying out the program, it will save a huge amount of money for the examinees, the family, as well as the government. For the society, improper usage of social resources will reduce. For the examinees, living with health, quality and dignity will be realizable. Outpatient numbers of the cooperative medical centers will increase due to returns of the examinees. It will be a multi-win condition for the society, the examinees, the company and the cooperative medical centers in consequence.


1、 陳保中、王榮德與張蓓貞,1990,勞工健康檢查之品質保證與管制,中華衛誌。
2、 陳秋蓉、謝曼麗、祝年豐與張錦標,2008,提昇勞工健康檢查指定醫療機構
