  • 學位論文


The Channel Strategy of Unit Link Assurance.

指導教授 : 趙義隆
共同指導教授 : 楊朝成


本論文主要探討投資型保險商品通路策略之研究,提出四項研究目的:1.壽險市場通路間競爭合作態勢;2.台灣壽險業者之通路經營與管理;3.通路經營的關鍵因素;4.投資型保險商品之通路策略差異化。並以壽險市場最常見的通路類別,為本論文的所要探討的範圍,進一步了解投資型保險商品的通路策略之應用。再對四家保險公司與一家保險經紀人與一家代理人進行訪談,了解投資型保險商品通路策略在實務界的應用。 目前壽險市場通路間競爭合作態勢有:內部化、策略聯盟以及購併三種方式。第一種為銀行採行內部化方式成立保險代理人,當銀行決策者認為銀行多一項保險商品的服務,可以增加收益及企業價值,但是透過市場取得該資源成本過高時,會透過轉投資方式取得保險經紀人與代理人經營權,作為進入該產業領域的最佳選擇方式。第二種為策略聯盟方式,當銀行決策者認為保險的經營是重要的,但是目前或是未來尚未發展成為其銀行業務重點或是主要競爭優勢來源,雙方進行策略聯盟將是最佳選擇,雙方可以資訊共享,並提供互補性的服務,減少跨領域經營成本與風險,共享規模經濟的效益,並有擴大市場佔有率之效果。第三種為購併方式,當透過市場取得成本低,購併後的綜效大於銀行自行成立保險代理人與經紀人的成本與績效,且保險商品是公司未來業務的主要競爭優勢商品及銷售業績來源,則銀行可以透過購併方式取得保險公司或是購併外部性保險經紀人與代理人;或是壽險公司也可以透過購併方式與銀行業成立金融控股公司。 本文將目前壽險業最常見的行銷通路分為間接行銷,如銀行保險、外部性保險代理人、外部性保險經紀人等三類與直接行銷,如網路行銷、電話行銷與業務員行銷等。由資料收集與訪談內容發現:前八大家保險公司在銀行通路的銷售業績有明顯增加的趨勢,由民國92年統計資料顯示,銀行通路占前八大家保險公司銷售業績比重約44%;民國93年統計資料顯示,銀行通路占前八大家保險公司銷售業績比重約48%;2003年與2004年之業務員銷售業績預估約占四成,其餘通路約占一成,這顯示未來銀行通路為各家保險公司角逐之地。大部份保險公司仍透過自家業務員銷售保險商品,主要是業務員忠誠度高、可以培訓業務員的專業素質,代表公司形象。外部性保險經紀人與代理人在近幾年快速增加,對於保險公司來說,保險經紀人與代理人代理多家保險商品,其業務員相較於保險銀行專員的保險專業素質來的高,但是忠誠度低,則保險公司與外部性保險經紀人與代理人多維持短暫合作關係。在虛擬通路方面,保險公司透過網路行銷與電話行銷作為行銷工具。通路間存在競爭合作關係,保險公司依據各通路的不同特性,進行通路的經營管理。


Unit link assurance has carried out three years ago in Taiwan. Recently the trend in unit link assurance in domestic assurance market has been growing year by year. The sales performance of unit link assurance has been better than before. The insurance companies trend to issue the unit link assurance instead of traditional assurance in low-rate times to release the pressure of the financial debt. The channels of the insurance market can be classified into insurance brokers, agents and banks. The bank channel has been widely accepted by insurance companies because of the numerous sites and perfect reputation. People trust the bank and would like to save money in the bank. The sales of unit link assurance have been estimated about 50% of the total sales of insurance by bank channels . Insurance brokers and agents both offer the products of insurance companies. They are in the competitive relationships, which causes the vicious price competition. The insurance companies cooperate with banks, insurance brokers and insurance agents and banks. The cooperation and competition in insurance channels co-exist. The patterns of the cooperation between insurance companies and insurance brokers and agents are represented by alliance, internalization, and acquisition which will be discussed in chapter five. This research is mainly to study the relationship between the channels and how the insurance companies deal with the relationship efficiently. Most importantly, the channel strategy of the unit link assurance is our subject. We will also discuss the crucial factors of channel management and who will guide the vicious competition to fine competition. In this article ,we will describe some questions and propose some concepts and ideals about the channel strategy of unit link assurance.


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