  • 學位論文


Ch’ing Tz’u and Tz’u Shih:A Research on Hsieh Chang-Ting’s Literary Criticism of Tz’u Poetry

指導教授 : 林玫儀


在晚清內憂外患的動盪歲月裡,謝章鋌以凌雲健筆留下為數龐大、論題廣泛的著述,當中尤以詞論最為世人所重。本論文即自謝章鋌詞論中拈出二題──「情詞」與「詞史」,作為研究的對象。 緒論:說明本文的研究動機與目的,回顧目前學界的研究成果,並在前人的基礎上提出本題的研究價值。 第一章:〈謝章鋌生平與著述〉。本章先從時代、政教、地域、風俗、文化等各個角度著眼,勾勒謝氏所處的環境。進而運用知人論世之法,從家世背景、師長友朋、一生際遇、學問道路等方面深入謝章鋌八十年的人生經歷。最後,整理謝氏著述之版本與提要著述之內容,作為本論文的文本基礎。 第二章:〈音樂與文學:以「詞體本質」論「情詞」〉。本章先追溯詞體發展的源頭,並歸納出音樂與文學為詞體的雙重性。詞體的發展是動態的歷程,在詞樂離合的過程裡,抒情則是詞體不變的寫作基調。謝章鋌追源溯流,為情詞找到根源與價值,也開拓情詞的書寫範疇與內容。 第三章:〈詩詞同源:論「性情」與「人文合一」的理想〉。身處清代文學與學術相互影響的文化環境,謝氏又會採取何種立場汲取文化場域的氛圍,轉而發展自身的詞學理論?開放而多元的詮釋法,又如何能將婉轉綿麗的詞作與作者的人格畫上等號?如何才能在詞體落實人文合一的文學觀?從詩詞同源的角度,討論謝章鋌如何擴大情詞包含的範疇,此為本章的探討主題。 第四章:〈「詞史」:世變以來「詞量」的開展〉。謝章鋌擴展詞量,以「盡量」的說法呈現尊體的意識,詞史則是「盡量」落實在詞作的實際表現,更是謝氏以詞言志的重要觀點。本章自社會、經濟、政治等文化背景著手,配合謝氏詞作、友朋唱和、《詞話》收錄詞作等各方面資料,檢視理論架構與實際操作的相互配合。 第五章:〈「存詞」與「論詞」:文學史、地域與福建詞史〉。謝章鋌以卷帙豐富的《賭棋山莊詞話》正、續編,記載詞人、詞事、詞作與詞論,包含對清代詞人及詞作、詞派的濃厚批評意識,以及對福建鄉先賢的推崇之意。其中既傳承歷史的文化沿革,也包含地域的人文背景,本章即對此豐富的概念加以探究。 結論:〈謝章鋌詞論中「情詞」與「詞史」的價值與侷限〉。概述本文的研究心得與成果,凸顯謝氏的理論價值與侷限,並對後續的相關研究進行初步的分析與展望。


In the period of the late Ch’ing(清) Dynasty, the unstable time filled with revolts and invasions, Hsieh Chang-Ting(謝章鋌) left volumes and broad works reflecting his literary talent, especially his criticism of Tz’u(詞) which was valued by people mostly. This thesis selects two topics from the Tz’u criticism by Hsieh Chang-Ting, that is, Ch’ing Tz’u(情詞) and the Tz’u Shih(詞史) , as the research objects. Introduction The motivations and purposes of this study are introduced in this chapter, reviewing the extant literature. Based on the previous research findings, it is to draw the investigating value of this study. Chapter One- Life and Works of Hsieh Chang-Ting Through these aspects of time, politics, region, custom, and culture, the surroundings where Hsieh was in is being depicted in this chapter. The methodology of observing personality and generation is then applied to analyze his life of eighty years in depth - his family background, teachers and friends, experiences, and his way to knowledge. And finally coordinating the different versions of Hsieh’s work and outlining the contents underpin the structure of this study. Chapter Two- Music and Literature: discussing Ch’ing Tz’u in terms of the nature of Tz’u Back to the origin of Tz’u development, it has been concluded that the duality of Tz’u stems from music and literature. It is a growing process for the development of Tz’u and Tz’u has been isolated from music gradually, whereas the only style of Tz’u is the lyric performance. Hsieh Chang-Ting went back the derivation, finding the root and worth of Ch’ing Tz’u as well as extending its scopes and domains. Chapter Three- The One Origin of Poem and Tz’u: discussing an ideal of temperament and that humanity is literature Being the Ch’ing cultural context with the interrelationship of academia and literature, where was Hsieh standing to present the literary atmosphere over his own theory? Also, how could he connect circumlocutory beauteous works with the personalities of authors from the various techniques of interpretation? Furthermore, how does the literary ideal which “humanity is literature” realize in Tz’u? The topic of this chapter is to discuss the domain of Ch’ing Tz’u extended by Hsieh in terms of the one origin for Poem and Tz’u. Chapter Four- Tz’u Shih: widening the volume of Tz’u during generation alternation Hsieh Chang-Ting extended the volume of Tz’u, using the interpretation of thoroughness to illustrate the will of adoration; the Tz’u Shih attempts to demonstrate the true presentation of work entirely, which are the Hsieh’s crucial points of view for the pouring ambitions in Tz’u. In order to examine the theoretical structure and real operation, this chapter focuses on the society, economics, politics and culture, comparing to other data, including his writings, creating with friends, and the works collected in Tz’u Hua.(詞話) Chapter Five- Reserving Tz’u and Discussing Tz’u: the history of literature, regions, and the history of Tz’u in Fu-Jian The giant work Du Chi Shan Chuang Tz’u Hua (賭棋山莊詞話) by Hsieh Chang-Ting documented the authors, the works, the stories of works and the criticisms, which contains his critical conception towards the writers of Tz’u and the factions in Ch’ing Dynasty as well as his respect to the masters in Fu-Jian. That passed down the historical development of culture and comprised the background of regions. Hence, we will investigate this rich notion in this chapter. Conclusion- The Value and Limitation in Ch’ing Tz’u and Tz’u Shih of Hsieh Chang-Ting’s criticism of Tz’u This research sums up the previous findings and acquisition indicating the values and limitations in Hsieh’s theory and provides initial analysis and expectation for further relevant researches.


