  • 學位論文


A Research on Design for the Nanshanhsi Butterfly Reserve

指導教授 : 楊平世


南山溪流域是台灣重要的蝴蝶多樣性熱點區域,惟近年來受到人為開發及天然災變的影響,目前蝴蝶的種類與數量銳減。本研究使用地理資訊系統,結合蝶類的環境需求,規劃南山溪流域蝴蝶保護區。研究期間1999年2003年,紀錄南山溪流域之蝴蝶11科120種,寄主植物共32科84種,蜜源植物則有16科26種。本研究分析南山溪流域的人為干擾、蜜源植物、寄主植物、坡度、坡向等地形因子對蝶相之影響。結果顯示在南山溪流域地區,向南坡及坡度在20-40度之間的環境,蝴蝶種類與數量較多。蝴蝶在種類與數量上皆與鬱閉度、高度、距住宅區距離呈正相關(p<0.01);而與路面的寬度有負相關(p<0.01);蝴蝶種類與數量與蜜源植物及寄主植物的種類數量上並沒有顯著相關性。 根據上述因子,及應用地理資訊系統的疊圖、空間分析,依據蝴蝶的環境需求,建議南山溪流域中,重要的蝴蝶棲息地位置,應對這些重要的蝴蝶棲息區域進行保護措施。為使蝴蝶資源的保育能永續經營,本研究另建議在南山溪流域以核心區、緩衝區及過渡區,使得蝴蝶的保育工作能在地方落實,其中過渡區可供當地居民加以利用蝴蝶資源,希望未來能結合生態旅遊,使當地住民瞭解保護蝴蝶能帶來地方的繁榮。


The Nan-San-hsi Watershed is one of the most important area of the butterfly diversity hotspots zone in Taiwan. However it has recently been affected by the artifical exploitations and natural disasters, and the number of butterfly species and quantities were obviously decreased. During the investigation, 132 species of butterflies in 11 families, 84 host-plants species in 32 families, and 26 nectar-palnts in 16 families were reco during the investigation. We used Regression to investigate the diversity and abundance of butterflies in relation to canopy coverings, elevations, distances to the river area, distances to the rural area, abundance of their nectar-plants, host-plants and aspects and slope of lands. The results showed that the butterflies preferred to inhabit the south-facing aspects and the slopes at 20-40°. The species and abundance were correlated significantly, positively with canopy coverings, elevations, distances to the rural area. There was no significant correlation between the diversity and abundance of the butterflies and distances to the river and the abundance of their nectar-plants and host-plants. The buffering and overlay in geographic information system (GIS) were taken to design butterfly reserve. We analysis how the artificial disturbances, nectar source plants, host plants, aspects, and slopes affect butterfly community at the Nan-San-Hsi Watershed.The results suggest butterflies prefer to south-facing aspects and slopes at 20-40 degrees. The species richness and total number of butterflies were positively correlated with canopy coverings, elevations, and distances to rural area (p<0.01), negatively correlated with road width (p<0.01) ; and have no relationship with nectar-plants and host-plants. According to the result, we used GIS to design a butterfly conservation plan for the Nan-San-hsi Watershed. We suggest three zones: recreation, buffer, and protecting zones. In the future, we hope to encourge local people by increasing their income from protecting butterflies for butterfly conservation combining the ecological tour.


李大維。2007。都市棲地之蝶相暨蜜源植物研究-以台中市景賢生態公園為例。特有生物研究9(1): 37-49。


