  • 學位論文


Groundwater Level Changes Induced by the 2006 Hengchun Earthquake in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賈儀平




Two ML7.0 earthquakes occurred at 20:26 and 20:34 local time on December 26, 2006 in the offshore area near Hengchun in southern Taiwan. The coseismic changes of the well water level were observed in 126 monitoring wells. The largest coseismic rise was 54 cm and the largest coseismic fall was 29 cm. The largest coseismic change was observed in the No. 2 well of the Sheliao station, which is the closest to the epicenters of the Hengchun earthquakes. Two oscillatory changes induced by the earthquake doublet can be observed in high-frequency water level records. The magnitude coseismic water level rise increased with decreasing hypocenter distance. But the coseismic fall didn’t show any correlation with hypocentral distance. Coseismic changes were observed in 115 wells in the southeast plain of Taiwan. Most coseismic rises were observed in the shallow wells, while the coseismic fall changes were observed in the deeper wells. This phenomenon indicates that the shallow area is influenced by tectonic compression the deeper area was seems to be dominated by tectonic extension. The spatial distribution of coseismic changes is primarily controlled by the stress redistribution and the physical properties of aquifers. Anomalous changes of water level of streams induced by the earthquake were only observed in 4 stations. Nevertheless, the mechanism of these changes remain to be investigated.


earthquake groundwater level coseismic change aquifer strain


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