  • 學位論文

利用點突變方式探討綠竹苯丙胺酸脫氨裂解酶中 胺基酸序列與基質專一性的相互關係

Identification of Essential Amino Acids for Tyrosine Substrate Specificity in Bamboo Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase by Site-Directed Mutagenesis

指導教授 : 李平篤


苯丙胺酸脫氨裂解酶 (Phenylalanine ammonia lyase; EC 簡稱 PAL) 為類苯丙酸生合成路徑中的第一個酵素。在植物體中,PAL常由多基因家族組成。其催化苯丙胺酸 (L-phenylalanine) 進行生物轉化反應,產生肉桂酸 (trans-cinnamic acid) 與氨 (ammonia)。在單子葉植物中,PAL可能具有催化酪胺酸脫氨裂解的能力。 BoPAL1 與 BoPAL2 的胺基酸序列相似度高達 96%,但兩者對於基質的專一性卻有不相同。將兩者於活性區中不同之胺基酸進行點突變互換,藉以觀察哪些胺基酸可能會對 PAL 基質專一性造成影響。經大腸桿菌表現系統之表現蛋白質 BoPAL1 F133H 與 BoPAL2 I198V、F134H、A149P、G389N,其對phenylalanine基質的親和力較原態差。對 tyrosine基質而言,表現蛋白質 BoPAL1 F133H 與 BoPAL2 A149P、 G389N 較原態有較高的酵素比活性。 BoPAL4 為綠竹 PAL 基因家族的一員。將表現載體 pTrcHisA/BoPAL4 轉形至大腸桿菌 Top10 中進行大量表現,所得到之表現蛋白 BoPAL4 於 N 端帶有 (His)6-tag,因此可透過鎳離子管柱層析進行純化。以膠體過濾層析法測得表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 原態分子量約為 290 kD,另外以 SDS-PAGE 測得表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 單元體分子量約為 70 kD,由上述結果推測表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 為同質四元體形式。表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 最適反應溫度為 50℃,最適反應 pH 為 9.0,且其活化能為 24.7 kcal/mol。表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 對 Phe 基質之 Km 值為 2072 μM 而 kcat/Km 值為 7.87。表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 對 tyrosine 基質之 Km 值為97 μM 而 kcat/Km 值為 5.56。與 BoPAL2 比較的結果,表現蛋白質 BoPAL4 對tyrosine基質具有較高的酵素活性。


Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL; EC, the entry enzyme for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, is often encoded by mutigene families in plant. It catalyzes the biotransformation of L-phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid and ammonia. In monocotyledon plants, PAL may exhibit the similar substrate specificities for tyrosine and phenylalanine and the protein-catalyst serves double duty. BoPAL1 showed 96% sequence identity with BoPAL2, but had very different situation in substrate specificity. By exchanging the different amino acid nearby active site to figure out which amino acid was important for substrate specificity, the fusion proteins BoPAL1 F133H and BoPAL2 I198V, F134H, A149P, G389N showed the poor substrate affinity to phenylalanine than those of wild-type PALs. To tyrosine substrate,fusion protein BoPAL1 F133H and BoPAL2 A149P, G389N increase enzyme specific activities. BoPAL4 is one of the Bamboo PAL gene families. Expression constructs pTrcHisA/BoPAL4 was transformed into E.coli Top10. Fusion protein BoPAL4 contains (histidine)6-tag in N-terminus and can be purified by Ni2+-column chromatography. By using gel filtration chromatography, the molecular mass of expressed BoPAL4 was estimated to be 290 kD, and monomer mass was determined to be 70 kD by SDS-PAGE. As the result, BoPAL4 was estimated to be homotetramer. The optimum temperature and pH for PAL activity were 50℃ and 9.0, respectively. The activation energy was 24.7 kcal/mol for BoPAL4. The Km value for phenylalanine was 2072 μM, and kcat/Km was 7.87. For tyrosine substrate, Km value was 97 μM, and kcat/Km was 5.56. Expressed BoPAL4 has highly tyrosine ammonia lyase activity than that of BoPAL2.


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