  • 學位論文


Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination with Geographic Information

指導教授 : 張堂賢


地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)的技術日漸成熟,圖資的取得也不再困難,能廣泛的應用在各研究領域,而交通運輸環境具有獨特的空間特性,與GIS的應用也非常廣泛,在先進交通管理系統與先進旅行者系統中,GIS的結合將資訊有效分析及呈現,能提供交通決策之參考依據,即為所謂的運輸地理資訊系統;然而進行交通決策時不可或缺之基本資料為旅次的起迄資料,但實際上,真實旅次起迄資料難以取得,在旅次起迄推估模式中,又以動態推估模式最能提供先進交通系統即時旅次資訊,許多交通系統已達到能將推估之旅次資料在GIS上做呈現及路線查訊。 然而GIS的功能不只在呈現與應用,空間圖層經由地理資料庫取得屬性,能提供地理空間觀點的資訊,動態旅次起迄推估模式發展多年,旅次起迄分佈本來就具有空間特性,本研究期望不只是起迄資料可利用GIS做分析與呈現,而是GIS能在對象路網的相關空間型態的圖層中,擷取出有效的地理空間資訊,依空間資訊不同形成不同的空間參數,納入動態旅次起迄推估模式中,期望能掌握空間因素對旅次起迄的影響,在納入了數個空間資訊的參數後,能有效的提昇動態旅次起迄推估模式的推估能力。 本研究採用台灣大車隊之GPS定位資料為旅次之實際觀測資料,並利用卡曼濾波(Kalman Filter)建立動態旅次起迄推估模式,在系統狀態方程中,納入三種不同空間資訊的參數值,分別為土地使用圖層資訊、人口密度圖層資訊及捷運站位分佈圖層資訊,設計不同的實驗方案,經由均方根誤差驗證旅次推估值與旅次實際觀測值之誤差,發現空間參數的確是能影響旅次起迄的變化,能有效提升推估的能力,並且提出在實務上的應用。


With the development of Geographic Information System (GIS), it has been applied to lots of fields. In both ATIS and ATMS, GIS which is more and more important can analysis and visualize the data, therefore, provide effective assistance for transportation policy decision. OD flows is the basic data in transportation planning, but to generate OD demand data is a time consuming process and hard to get. The model of dynamic OD estimation helps to get real-time transportation information and there are many transportation systems put OD data into GIS for information visualizing analyzing such as route planning. However, GIS can provide spatial information from geographic database and layers. In this research, the model of dynamic OD estimation will be combined with spatial information gotten in GIS data. Different spatial information will be set up into different research case, and then to figure out how it affects to model, to test and verify the effect of different cases. In this research, taxi OD flows are the observation OD data and the model of dynamic OD estimation is set up and based on Kalman Filter. In the system equation, three spatial information are considered, including the land-use layer, the population layer and the MRT station distribution layer. According to each factors and each OD estimation case, RMSE verify the error between real OD data and estimated OD data. Finally, application in transportation is also brought up.


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