  • 學位論文


The Change of Street Names and Naming Policy in Taipei City after World War II

指導教授 : 賴進貴


道路命名受不同政權精神色彩的意識形態形塑,也隨著不同行政區劃與命名政策,逐漸建構臺灣街道現今的樣貌。以臺北市街道為例,戰後中華民國政府來臺時期對街道命名政策,以抹去日本殖民政權為目的,以中國地名、中華民族精神與紀念國家偉人為命名規則,是戰後初期街道命名首要方針。 本文以戰後中華民國政府來臺的臺北市街道命名為主要研究對象,回顧戰後臺北市街道命名政策沿革、分析現今臺北市街道命名系統,以整體空間分布以及不同行政區時期作為分析角度,回顧各行政區街名變遷之趨勢與地方,並針對新舊區的街道命名系統分析討論,探討各區地方認知轉變。研究最後以艋舺大道為個案探討,透過行動者網絡理論探討其命名過程,為近期街道命名作進一步分析討論。透過時間、空間與行動者網絡分析,提供臺灣街道命名的省思與展望。 研究資料以《臺北市路街史》、《臺北市地名與路街沿革史》為基礎,輔以臺北市民政局、臺北市各行政區戶政事務所訪談補足遺缺資料。研究結果分述如下: 一、臺北市戰後初期以中國地名、民族道德與進取精神為主要命名大宗。政策上命名原則亦逐漸從中華民族精神,往適合當地價值之名稱方向命名。 二、臺北市路街命名系統,舊區較為單一且更動有限,新區命名類別多元且地方居民參與度逐漸變高。各區不同時期以地方特色命名之名稱比例皆逐漸增高,吉言雅字組合之命名亦為另一趨勢,然而其命名仍與地方脫鉤,與戰後初期權威名稱結果殊途同歸。 三、「艋舺大道」案例反應歷史名稱運用於街道命名流程之可行性。里長於近期街道命名掌握更大的提案與決定權,當戶政事務所開啟街道更名與命名流程時,建議增加地方文史工作者,與更多元提案與投票方式,往「理想的路街命名」邁進。 四、當地文史工作者加入路街命名過程,將幫助里民討論地方「歷史文化的保存」推廣,與「地方識別性」兩者之平衡。


The ideologies of street-naming constructed by each political regime deeply influence places. By following different districts’ readjustment and naming policy, unique street-naming appears in different Taiwanese cities. The example of the street-naming policy after World War II in Taipei City, the policy focused on removing all records of Japanese colonial street-naming and replacing them with the name of Chinese places, Chunghwa spirit and the memorializing of historical leaders was the priority of the street naming during the first period after World War II. The study focuses on all the streets in Taipei City after World War II, reflecting the street-naming policy and the current naming system. With the spatial distribution and different period after World War II, the study examines the change and the trend of the street naming in each Taipei district, and compares the districts between old and new areas in Taipei to explore the discrepancy and transformation of the local perspective. Following the above discussion, the research uses “Bangka Blvd” as a case study with Actor-Network Theory examining the current street-naming process. With space, time and ANT, it shows the potential direction of street-naming in the future. The study is based on historical archives and interviews of Household Registration Office and Civil Affairs Bureau of Taipei for the compilation of all the data. The research results are below: 1. The trend of street-naming in the first period after World War II focused on Chunghwa spirit. The current street-naming gradually linked to the connection of place identity. 2. The current naming systems in old districts are more monotonous, while in the newer districts they are more diverse, with the involvement of local people during the naming process. The percentage of street-naming systems of local connection reached its peak in the third stages, which is also the current trend, however, the percentage of auspicious words gradually climbed from the first period to present, with the need to be aware of the possibility of losing local distinction with such naming systems. It will lead to the same result – the erasure of place identity. 3. The case of “Bangka Blvd” is a typical example of applying the old place names on the naming of streets. The chief of the village is given more power on proposing and deciding on the naming of streets nowadays, and the study suggests adding local cultural and historical experts in the process of street-naming, allowing more diverse proposals on different names . 4. Adding local cultural and historical experts in the process of street-naming will assist the local people in the naming of streets in the future by helping to find a balance between a place’s distinguishing identity and its noteworthy past.


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