  • 學位論文


Identify Decision Factors of Cost-plus Constractingfor Construction Projects

指導教授 : 王明德


「成本加成工程契約」在工程界少受採用,但在國內製造銷售業卻運用甚廣。究其原因,最主要是營建業具有高度不確定性,除成本高、工期長,成本難以精確預估,工程業主對於總價有難以掌控的疑慮之外,業主與承包商立場對立,且業主興建經驗匱乏也是決定性因素。 本研究選擇「潤弘精密工程事業股份有限公司」作為個案研究的對象,因其在成本加成工程方面有較多的經驗。藉由探討潤弘公司實際執行之案例,查究在前述背景下,個案公司「潤弘」為何得以推動成本加成契約合作模式,其中甲乙雙方締約之決策因素為何。 本論文研究,主要依三步驟進行之。首先,彚整前人之相關論述、其它案例之研究分析、親自參與實際案例之心得,以成決策因素集;接著,採專家訪談方式,分析歸納決策因素;最後,則輔以案例相關參與人員之問卷調查,進行驗證,確認工程業主與營造公司願以成本加成契約合作之決策因素,冀希提供日後擬採用此一契約模式之工程業主及營造公司有一重要之評估依據。 研究發現,甲乙雙方採用成本加成契約締約之主要決策因素計有十五個,分別為:「專案工期急迫」、「專案工期長(1年以上) 」、「專案規模大(合約總價3億元以上) 」、「專案風險大(如設計未完成、數量不明確等)」、「甲方公司經營理念」、「甲方對風險的承擔能力高」、「甲方幕僚單位之支持度高」、「甲方具足夠的專業能力」、「乙方商譽良好」、「乙方所能提供之附加價值高」、「乙方企業經營理念」、「乙方幕僚單位之支持度高」、「甲乙雙方信賴關係良好」、「營建物價波動大時」、「景氣好(房價高或建廠需求急迫) 」。 其中,雙方除了關注各自的利益「專案風險大(如設計未完成、數量不明確等)」、「乙方所能提供之附加價值」之外,最重視的則是雙方的「信賴關係」。甲乙雙方均認為合作關係的成敗及合作過程中是否順利,係取決於雙方之信賴關係是否足夠,而在雙方尚未存有信任基礎之前,甲方考量的最主要因素則為「乙方商譽」。


The "cost-plus construction contract” is seldom employed in the construction industry. However, it is widely used in the manufacturing and wholesales industry. The critical reason is that it has a high risk of uncertainty in addition to the high project cost, and long construction period. In this sense, the project cost is difficult to be estimated accurately and the project owners challenge that it is difficult for them to control the total project cost. Notably, the opposing positions between the owners and contractors and lacking of experience on the similar construction project are also the primary reasons. A firm, Ruentex Engineering & construction Co., Ltd., is chosen in this case study. The chosen firm has valuable experience in cost plus contract of construction project. By extracting implicit knowledge of Ruentex Corporation, this study explored that why Ruentex can promote the cost plus contract in such situation, and identified the owners’ and the contractors’ decision factors for adopting the cost-plus contract. This investigation was carried out as follows. First, based on the findings from literature reviews, past case analyses, and experienced engineers, a set of decision factors were summarized. Then, by interviewing experts with in-depth discussions, the decision factors were identified. Lastly, a questionnaire survey was conducted in practice to verify the project stakeholders have consensus on the decision factors for a cost-plus project contract. The survey results provide a useful basis and assessment tool for those who are inclined to adopt the cost-plus contract model. Particularly, this study concluded 15th significant decision factors for both owners and constructors to adopt a cost-plus contract: tightened project duration; long project duration (i.e., over one year); large-scale project (i.e., total contract price is over NT$300 million); risks (e.g., design unfinished project; uncertain work quantity); operations philosophy and company policy; owner’s affordability of risk; support of the owner’s management-level personnel; owners with sufficient professional competence; reputation of contractor; contractor offering added value during execution; contractor's business operations philosophy; support of the contractor's main staffs; mutual trust level between owner and contractor; fluctuation in construction material price; economic condition (e.g., high building prices or urgent factory needs). Notably, in addition to potential risks and contractor offering added value during execution, the most critical factor to both owner and contractor is mutual trust. Both parties considered that the smoothly cooperation process and successful outcome are dependent on the sufficiency of mutual trust. Without past cooperation experience, the most important factor considered by the owner is contractor’s reputation.


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