  • 學位論文


A study of the association between animal welfare and zoonoses of abandoned animals

指導教授 : 費昌勇
共同指導教授 : 林大盛(Dah-Sheng Lin)


目前我國是狂犬病非疫國,是全世界極少數可以免於狂犬病感染憂慮的淨土。全民的努力,當然不容忽視,與政府相關機關共同努力,使動物保護或疾病預防事宜更趨完備。但僅單方面注重狂犬病防疫,難免不足,全面性的落實狗籍管理,應是最重要開端之一;更源頭的管理,則是應隨時瞭解全盤狀態,建立數量動態資訊而備妥相關的應變作為,才能建立全民的信心與共識。 本研究由狗貓隻數調查入手,並有效地調查民眾飼養寵物的習性,試圖釐清五都與當今動物保護政策的關聯性,納入民眾所需,制訂完善的寵物管理政策,由源頭建立責任飼主而強化愛動物行為,減少動物棄養。同時也嘗試建立收容所外部管理機制,協助提升管理品質,探究收容狗貓不正常行為(如吠叫),檢討認養動物被棄養原因,藉加強「以認養代替購買」宣導,讓狗貓都有善心的主人,給牠一個愛的家,任它成為真正的伴侶動物。 本研究也由一般認知的狗貓保護,嘗試關懷經濟動物福利,藉泛洪區疾病的監控,及環境病原的監測,藉釐清人畜共通傳染病,諸如鉤端螺旋體及弓蟲的媒介途徑,期有效減少動物媒介或感染疾病之苦,也期望健康的動物,永遠成為人們最願意接納的對象,進而重視起動物福利相關議題。


At present, Taiwan is not an epidemic country of rabies, and is also one of the few territories in the world free from rabies infection; this is the result of the joint efforts of all citizens, as well as the commitment of the government authorities in protecting animals and preventing diseases. However, putting emphasis on the prevention of rabies alone is not enough. Comprehensive implementation of dog registration should be the most important start. To implement source management, it is necessary to understand the overall status at any time, establish dynamic quantitative information and prepare for relevant coping strategies, in order to develop confidence and consensus of all the citizens. This study investigated the number of dogs and cats, and owners’ habits of pet keeping, in an attempt to clarify the correlation between five special municipalities and the current animal protection policy, to take into account the needs of people to develop a complete and sound pet management policy, and to develop owners’ sense of responsibility in the beginning to strengthen animal-loving behavior and reduce animal abandonment. Moreover, this study also intended to develop the external management mechanism for animal shelter to assist in improving management quality and investigating the abnormal behaviors (e.g. barking) of sheltered dogs and cats, and also to review the causes of abandonment of adopted animals, in order to strengthen the promotion of “To adopt rather than to buy,” as well as to enable all the dogs and cats to have a kind owner and a home filled with love and to become the real companion of people. This study concerned over the welfare of economic animals from the perspective of generally accepted dog/cat protection. It is necessary to monitor the diseases in epidemic areas and monitor environmental pathogens, in order to clarify zoonosis (e.g. the transmission modes of leptospira and toxoplasmosis). It is hoped that animal-borne diseases or infections can be significantly reduced, and healthy animals can always be accepted by owners to further attract the attention to animal welfare-related issues.


animal welfare abandonment zoonoses shelter leptospira toxoplasmosis


Liao, A.T., Sung N.C., Fei A.C.Y., Lin D.S. 2011. Seroprevalences of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Taipei Zoo Employees. Bio. Formosa 46:33-39.
Lin D.S., Fei A.C.Y., Chow H.M., Mo K.M., Pong Y.M.. 1998. Prevalences of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in cats and humans in Taipei, Taiwan. Biol. Bull. N.T.N.U. 33:95-103.


