  • 學位論文


Clear Explanation of Tsai-Shen’s “Shu-Ji-Chuan” from the end of Sung to beginning of Ming Dynasty, and the promotion of its classical position

指導教授 : 蔣秋華 何澤恆


蔡沈《書集傳》是《尚書》學史上一部極為重要的著作,它不但是朱子學派《書》學的代表,也是元、明、清三代官方《尚書》的考試定本,地位崇高。正由於他有著如此地位,因此,討論元、明時代的尚書學發展,必需由這部朱學代表的《尚書》註釋本著手。然而《書集傳》究竟是如何以一家之言,達到這樣的地位?自《四庫叢書總目》主張由於元代立為功令所致,並以陳櫟為例,後代許多研究者遂紛紛遵循其說,在討論到這部書籍時,皆採用了這樣的說法。因此,就得出了在蔡《傳》完成後,宋末元初原本有許多人對蔡《傳》不滿,並且紛紛著書以駁其非。不過,後來因為延祐開科在《尚書》一科上,選擇了《書集傳》作為定本,導致大家都以蔡《傳》為本,更有甚者,如陳櫟還必須自毀少作,另寫一本書來表明立場。   的確,從後代的眼光看起來,不能否認元代開科時的科舉程式,對蔡《傳》地位的影響。不過,影響是否真的如此立即且明確?此外,倘若真如前賢所言元代延祐貢舉的影響如此之劇,加上明代也是以《書集傳》作為科舉的唯一定本,那麼為什麼直到明代還有反對蔡《傳》的著作出現?為何在「兼用古注疏」的元代,蔡《傳》讓陳櫟不得不改變著作立場,而在蔡《傳》定於一尊的明代,卻反倒有像袁仁《尚書砭蔡編》這樣的作品出現?此外,為何在成書之時如此受到非難的書籍,在不到一百年之內,卻成為了科舉指定用書,這之間到底又發生了什麼事?除此之外,明太祖朱元璋時,曾在與群臣討論日月五星運行時,發現《蔡傳》釋義有所不妥,因而下令群臣纂修訂正,所以有《書傳會選》一書。但成祖之時,卻又將蔡《傳》定為一尊,以該書為主而修《書傳大全》,這之間的變化又是如何?種種現象,都令人想一探究竟。   本文除前言、結語外,共分為五章,首章〈朱子與《尚書》研究的相關問題〉,論朱子的《尚書》觀,以及命蔡沈作《書集傳》之始末。第二章〈《書集傳》成書到延祐開科前的地位變化〉,則是分別由傳世文集與專書兩方面,分別探討該書在成書之後,學界引用與討論的情況,並得出在宋末元初之際,《書集傳》並未受到重視的結論。第三章〈《書集傳》在元代科舉的地位〉,考察自元世祖忽必烈「戊戌取試」至元仁宗「延祐貢舉」這段時間南北方士人對朝廷的影響,同時說明,即便是延祐開科採用《書集傳》作為考試指定用書,依然兼採古注疏,故《書集傳》在元代並未因為科舉考試而達到獨尊的程度。第四章〈《書集傳》在元代的經典化過程〉,分別以董鼎、陳櫟、陳師凱、鄒季友四名元代《尚書》學者為例,從其著作中分析《書集傳》在元代地位如何漸漸提升的過程。第五章〈明初《書集傳》經典地位的確立〉則是以明初兩部官修著作──《書傳會選》與《書傳大全》──的成書過程與內容,證明在明代初期《書集傳》在學林已有相當地位,而隨著成祖永樂年間編《五經大全》時《書》採蔡沈說,《書集傳》在政治上的地位亦從此定為一尊。


Tsai-Shen’s “Shu-Ji-Chuan” is an important master work in the noted history of “Shang-Shu”, it has a high position in this field, not only the representative of “Shu” branch of “Zhu-Zi”, but the official test textbook in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasty. This master piece has such a high place in this field, so, if we wanna discuss the development of “Shang-Shu”, we did must start from this iconic annotated readings in Zhu-Zi’s school. However, how this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” could have such a high position from one single branch? Many researchers have followed the way from “Index to Si-Ku-Quan-Shu” in Yuan Dynasty, especially the sample of Chen-Li. So that, we could know many people in the end of Song and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty were very unsatisfied for Tsai-Shen’s “Shu-Ji-Chuan”, they even wrote down many essays pointing out his incorrect part after this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” finished. But, the Yuan Government chose this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” as subject textbook in its beginning period, so that people could just write base on this, nevertheless, like Chen-Li, he had to write another words for stating his stand. However, we cannot deny the impaction relate to position of “Shu-Ji-Chuan” in the imperial examination of the beginning in Yuan Dynasty. But, did the influence really happen so instantly and clearly? And, if this was true about these researchers said the hard affection for the position of “Shu-Ji-Chuan” in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, plus with this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” was the only textbook of imperial examination in Ming Dynasty. Then, why there’re still many writings about Anti-“Shu-Ji-Chuan” till Ming Dynasty? Why Chen-Li has to change his point of view because of this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” in such an old annotate accepted Yuan Dynasty? Why there’s a “Shang-Shu-Bian-Tsai-Collection” from Yuan-Ren appeared in Ming Dynasty which “Shu-Ji-Chuan” has stand in this highest position? Otherwise, why this indefinite work could be a textbook of imperial examination in less than 100 years? What happen for this during this period? And, HongWu Emperor Zhu Yuan-Zhang of Ming Dynasty has found the incorrect annotate in “Shu-Ji-Chuan” while discussing star operating. So, he ordered his vassals to correct it, this is why “Shu-Chuan-Hui-Xuan” being written. But this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” has returned back to the highest textbook again and changed it to the base of “Shu-Chuan-Hui-Xuan” in the time of YongLe Emperor. Why there’s such a totally different change happened? For these appearances, we do wanna know the truth. There’re 5 chapters in my thesis, except preface and peroration. The First Chapter, Zhu-Zi and “Shang-Shu”, discuss Zhu-Zi’s point for “Shang-Shu”, and the story that he asked Tsai-Shen wirting this “Shu-Ji-Chuan”. The Second Chapter, the position changing for “Shu-Ji-Chuan” finished till the beginning of Yuan. Talk about the citing and discussing status in our field after this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” finishing in 2 parts of “Chuan-Shi-Wen-Ji” and “Zhuan-Shu”. So that, we could get this “Shu-Ji-Chuan” was no so important in the end of Song and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty. The Third Chapter, “Shu-Ji-Chuan” became the textbook in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty. The affection to Southern and Northern literati which explored imperial examination from Kublai Khan to Ayurbarwada Buyantu Khan, and explain that even “Shu-Ji-Chuan” has become a text book of imperial examination in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, but literati could still use old annotate for “Shang-Shu” subject. This “Shu-Ji-Chuan” was not arrived the highest position because of imperial examination in Yuan Dynasty. The Forth Chapter, the classicize progress of “Shu-Ji-Chuan” in Yuan Dynasty. Analyze how “Shu-Ji-Chuan” get higher and higher position in this field from the jobs for 4 famous “Shang-Shu” scholars (Dong-Ding, Chen-Li, Chen Shi-Kai, and Zou Chi-You) in Yuan Dyansty, The Fifth Chapter, the classical position establish firmly of “Shu-Ji-Chuan”. I wanna show “Shu-Ji-Chuan” has its position in this field by 2 official books, “Shu-Chuan-Hui-Xuan” and “Shu-Chuan-Da-Quan”. And, “Shu-Ji-Chuan” has a special political place after “Shu” of “Wu-Jing-Da-Quan” adopting Tsai-Shen’s statement in the period of YongLe Emperor.




