  • 學位論文


On the Limitation of Preventive Surveillance in the Constitution

指導教授 : 蔡宗珍


「預防性國家監控」是資訊時代衝擊下的產物。資訊時代為人民帶來了快捷、便利的生活,而此等便利也同樣作用在國家行為之上,為國家行為態樣帶來改變。在資料量不斷增加、資訊應用技術亦不斷精進的時代背景下,隨著儲存成本降低,以及資料價值的提升,蒐集並囤積資料,成為諸多企業為求商業利益而奉行的手段,也逐漸對國家形成誘因。因此,便形塑出以個人資料蒐集為對象,且未對終端目的具有明確緊密關聯的國家監控類型,也就是預防性國家監控。此種國家監控類型之特性,與傳統上以個案或特定任務作為目標的國家監控截然不同。是否因此產生不同的人民需求?是否連結到不同的憲法保障基礎?是否有法制需求的空間?現行法制又是否能夠滿足上開需求?本文即是在這樣的問題脈絡下,透過文獻分析,並參考我國司法實務與外國司法實務及立法例,逐一探尋問題的答案。 本文提出資訊人格權,取代我國在隱私權體系與資訊自主權體系下,紊亂的適用問題,並且從資訊人格權中,導出資料庫分離原則、目的限定原則,以及透明化原則,作為預防性國家監控在實行上的限制。而在我國現行法制的觀察下,本文認為現行法制未能呼應資訊人格權對人民,因而提出若干修法建議與相關法制建置之展望。


“Preventive Surveillance” is one of the outcomes in the Age of Informational. People benefits from the convenience led by the Age. The convenience has same effect on Government as well and brings the transformation in the nature of Government Act. By the abounding data and the advance of information technology, the value of data increases and the margin cost of data storage dwindles. Enterprises take the advantage and collect data for its own favors. It becomes tempting to Government to follow the behavior. Therefore, it forges a type of government surveillance that aims at collecting individual data but without explicit connection to the objective, Preventive Surveillance. The nature of Preventive Surveillance is far from the norm that serves the purpose for specific objective or an individual. Whether it generates different needs of people; whether it accords with the human right under Constitution; whether it requires law restriction; whether incumbent legislation fulfills the need above. According to the threads, this thesis aims at discovering the answers by discussing all these possible situations and literature reviews of the judicial practice of the Constitutional Court in Taiwan and the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany. This thesis proposes “Informational Personality Rights” as a substitution of complexed applicability under the system of Privacy and Information Sovereignty in Taiwan. Informational Personality Right leads to the Principle of Database Separation, Use Limitation Principle and the Openess Principle. All the principles become solid limitations of Preventive Surveillance in the Constitution. In terms of current legislation system in Taiwan, the thesis suggests incumbent legislation is not responding to the protection of Human Right under Constitution. Therefore, the prospect of Law Amending and respondent Law Legislation is highly proposed in the article.


李榮耕(2015)。〈科技定位監控與犯罪偵查:兼論美國近年GPS 追蹤法制及實務之發展〉,《國立台灣大學法學論叢》,第44卷第3期,2015年9月。


邱 意(2017)。論反恐措施與隱私保障──以聯合國規範體系為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701953
