  • 學位論文

邁向無家者支援網絡 ─ 以台北市為例

Toward Homeless Support network: A Case Study of Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃麗玲


無家者(homeless)一詞由台北市2010年以後成立的數個民間組織推廣使用,其定義包括了法令上的遊民、居住於收容單位、以及居住於不安全或不適當之住所者,試圖進一步將無家者現象連結到更廣泛的貧窮議題。本文先行梳理台北市公部門遊民社會福利體系(social welfare system)與民間「遊民」或「街友」慈善(charity)機構的歷史脈絡與困境,而後交代近年台北市新興無家者民間組織、以及友善無家者的跨組織團體的成立緣起與現況,並進行兩者之間的批判性討論。本文認為後者透過運作多項兼具倡議與培力功能的創新專案,並連結既有「遊民」社會福利體系與民間慈善機構,增加了「遊民」工作場域中的實踐多樣性。無家者作為創新專案的參與者與倡議者,除增進了無家者個人的各類資本,並透過專案運作建立具有各類慣習的社會大眾與無家者的社會連帶,降低了無家者因長期接受慈善救濟而失去社會身分的副作用。此外,新興無家者民間組織不僅只為介入無家者或貧窮議題而存在,其組織方法論強調組織內、外的人際交往,在推動各項行動的過程中亦進行在地社群營造,藉此建立對自己與他人的認同,進而建構工作與日常生活的意義。從這個角度而言,新興無家者民間組織是為了實踐其特定的生活方式(life style)而存在,其組織成員帶有對社會的特定想像,並將這些想像帶到無家者的工作場域裡面。


無家者 遊民 社會空間 社會福利 慈善 貧窮 民間組織


A new translation of homeless, 無家者 is promoted by several NGOs/NPOs established after 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan. Unlike homeless defined in law refer to rooflessness,the definition of 無家者 includes homeless people under houseless/roofless condition, and inhabitants living in insecure or inadequate houses. By making use of this definition of homeless, the NGOs/NPOs are trying to link the phenomenon of homelessness to far reaching poverty issues. This thesis reviewed the history and dilemma of the public social welfare system and the charity institutions of homeless in Taipei City, then it discussed the emerging homeless NGOs/NPOs and the homeless support network assembled by multi-organization in Taipei City. At last it did a critical discussion between both of the above. The thesis concluded that the emerging homeless NGOs/NPOs and the homeless support network assembled by multi-organization have increased diversity of practice in the field of homeless issue by operating a number of innovative projects with the function of initiative and empowerment and and cooperation with the existing homeless public social welfare system and private charities. The projects reduces the side effects of homeless people losing their social status due to long-term acceptance of charitable relief. In addition, the emerging homeless NGOs/NPOs not only exist for intervening in homeless or poverty issues, but their organizational methodology emphasizing interpersonal interactions also promotes local community empowernment in the process of various actions. It establishes the identity of oneself and others, and then constructs the meaning of work and daily life. From this perspective, the emerging NGOs/NPOs exists to practice its specific lifestyle; members of the organizations have specific imagination of the society and take it to the work field of homeless issue.


homeless hobo social space social welfare charity poverty NGO NPO


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