  • 學位論文


The Concept and Utility of New New Lex Mercatoria

指導教授 : 陳自強


當代國際商業貿易頻繁創造出極大商業利益,國際貿易紛爭解決之傳統方法「國際私法」已無法應付現今國際貿易快速之變動性,傳統的選法規則耗費大量時間於判斷紛爭之準據法,但因各國國際私法規定不同,往往訴訟繫屬於相異國家法院,會有不相同之本案準據法判斷,如此將導致跨國貿易商人預見風險能力降低,無法內化至貿易成本中,造成貿易成本大幅提高,不利於跨國貿易之發展。況且各國之內國法律規定,並不能完全滿足各類型複雜國際貿易之需求,因該領域商人於國際間常已藉由重覆貿易運作出一套國際貿易習慣規範之。是故國際貿易需要發展出一套跳脫國際私法選法規則框架之解決紛爭方式,希冀能在國際間創造出一塊脫離國家內國法律主權干預之淨土,為之提供法理基礎即係「商人法」。 本文之目的在介紹新現代商人法之概念與實用,因此在架構上,本文乃於第一章提出問題意識,第二章中介紹商人法之歷史,歷經萬民法、中世紀末期、近代、現代和新現代五個時期的轉變,大致描繪出商人法之樣貌。第三章則介紹國際貿易特性,此特性乃創造出新現代商人法產生之背景,而於此章中本文亦會比較國際私法和新現代商人法何者較適合適用於解決國際紛爭之部分。於第四章中論述新現代商人法可能之概念為何,藉由國際貿易實證上認為何種規範具有商人法特性,再藉此反推出新現代商人法之定義為何,此大費周章之舉乃係因現今並無針對商人法之定義有所共識,所以必須依靠本文設定之商人法特性,再藉由找尋之資料分類思考,何種國際貿易規範形式或種類乃新現代商人法之範疇,藉此畫出新現代商人法之定義為何。 介紹完新現代商人法之概念後,本文將於第五章中試著將新現代商人法引入我國適用,藉由當事人間之合意將新現代商人法轉換為契約內容之一部分;若無合意時,則視其是否為民法第一條之習慣法或者為法理,將新現代商人法轉換於內國司法機關適用之,而本文於此亦試著提出若法理和習慣法衝突、法理間衝突以及習慣法間衝突時應如何處理之方式。


International commercial trade creates the enormous commercial interest, but conventional routes to solve the international trade dispute-- “conflict of law”-- has been unable to deal with the changeable and diverse trade. It waste a lot of time to follow “the choice of law” to choose the correct governing law in the court. But according to the conflicting laws from countries to countries, there is a problem that the litigants have the same international trade dispute in different governing courts which use different governing rules. It leads to transnational commercial merchants couldn’t estimate the risks and costs of the commerce correctly, which might be harmful to the developments of transnational commerce. In order to solve this issue, transnational commercial merchants create new rules suitable to govern disputes of international commerces in the repetition of trades. Based on the comprehensive understanding of their need, those transnational commercial merchants set the principle of the law which is now called “lex mercatoria”. The purpose of this dissertation is a introduction and discussion about the “new new lex mercatoria”. Firstly the problem awareness is illustrated in Chapter 1. A brief history of lex mercatoria is described in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, the characters of international commerces, the background of developing new new lex mercatoria, the differences of “conflict of law” and “new new lex mercatoria”, and which one is more suitable for solving contemporary dispute of transnational commerces, are discussed. In Chapter 4, efforts are made to clarify the concept of new new lex mercatoria, and to give it a definition. In Chapter 5, I try to suggest some ways to introduce the concept of new new lec mercatoria into the practice of courts in Taiwan. The most important method is through the agreement of parties. The other one is through the explaination of civil law article 1, which is, by deciding what affiliation the new new lex mercatoria belongs to, the principle of law or customary law.


2、陳自強,聯合國商事契約通則在契約法中之地位,國立台灣大學法學論叢,第39卷第4期,2010年12 月。
2、Kraus Peter Berger, The Creeping Codification of the Lex Mercatoria ( Kluwer Law Intl 1999).
3、A. Claire Cutler, Private Power and Global Authority: Transnational Merchant Law in the Global Political Economy 16.(2003)
8、Ole Lando, Some Features of the Law of Contract in the Third Millennium, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 40 (2000).
