  • 學位論文


Post-Developmental State and Cross-Border Consulting Services:Taiwanese Architects in China

指導教授 : 簡旭伸


摘要 過去用來解釋台灣經濟發展的「發展型國家」理論,對台灣的工業化和現代化過程,特別是國家(State)在製造業的本國和跨界發展中的角色,給予了學術上的解釋。但既有的文獻,卻缺少了對創意生產性服務業跨界和發展型國家之間關係的討論。因此,本文以台灣建築師在中國的發展情況為例,從三個不同的尺度-也就是國家、產業、和建築師的角度,試圖說明在發展型國家的建築業的跨界過程中,國家是如何地去回應這樣的轉變,並探討產業界和個別建築師,是如何從國家的回應中,找出新的發展策略。 建築業是相當特殊的一項產業,它同時兼具了服務業、專業顧問業和文化創意產業三者於一體的特性,製造業的特性相當不同。對此,本研究提出一個假說:後發展型國家的建築師,在進入其他市場發展時,有三種不同的跨界類型,分別為1.直接依靠跨界進入市場,並持續壯大既有的品牌和名聲、2.依靠原有的業主網絡進入市場,並成功爭取到新的當地業主、以及3.只有依靠原有的業主網絡進入當地,但卻無法在當地爭取到足夠多新的業主。 而隨著中國經濟的發展,製造業台商在過去三十年的中國政治經濟轉型中,對於中國工業化的貢獻有目共睹。然而,從中國都市化發展的角度而言,相對於其他外國建築師和企業,台灣的建築業卻沒有在當代中國的空間生產上,發揮如同製造業那樣的效果。若探究其背景因素,則包含了兩岸在戰後的建築發展採取不同制度,以及台灣的服務業受限於政治因素,在中國的發展狀況受到限制有關。 不過,仍有一些台灣建築師在中國的建築市場中,有不錯的表現。因此,本研究也分別以李祖原、許常吉、潘冀做為案例,討論三種不同類型的建築師跨界發展策略。首先,李祖原作為台灣最具有國際知名度的建築師之一,他善於運用中國文化相關的符號元素,使其成功的依靠個人名聲效應,深入到中國市場;而許常吉作為專業複雜性建築的代表,因其專精於醫院建築的設計,受惠於中國醫療體制改革所產生的外資醫院,而得以赴中國發展,並逐漸獲得由當地業主所給予的案件;最後,潘冀則是在台商外移中國的工業化浪潮中,採取隨台商業主去中國發展,並專注於高科技廠房的建築的方式經營。 本研究也發現,在台灣建築業的跨界過程中,台灣的國家和工商團體,並不積極去回應生產性服務業國際化的問題,包含建築業在內。有部份的原因,是由於台灣尷尬的國際地位使然,但也與台灣的國家長期以來,只重製造業、不重視顧問服務業的跨界有關。 關鍵詞:後發展型國家、服務業跨界、台灣建築師、中國、工商團體


Abstract: Existing research on Taiwan, some of which comes from the Developmental State theory, has successfully theorized the role of the state and its intervention in promoting manufacture industries domestically and internationally. However, what has not yet done is why, by whom and under what circumstances do the Taiwan design-related consultant services have been expanded in a cross-border way and what kinds of roles played by the state behind the process. This thesis aims to fill up this gap, with a particular empirical investigation on the Taiwan architecture industry entering China. Under the context of the China’s engagement with globalization since 1978, there are two dramatic transformations: (1) industrialization, and (2) urbanization. It is widely known that the Taiwanese investors have contributed greatly in post-Mao China’s industrialization, while the Taiwanese architects and related professionals do not played an equally important role as compared with their manufacture counterparts. It is (1) partly because of differences in terms of institutions of production of space between Taiwan and China, (2) partly because of the very passive role of the state in Taiwan, which is still very manufacture-focused instead of design service oriented, and (3) partly because of underdevelopment of the architecture association in Taiwan. However, some of Taiwanese architects are still able to enter the China’s construction market. Three types of cross-border Taiwanese architects are particularly identified in terms of their main sources of clients in China. First, C.Y. Lee, probably one of most famous Taiwanese architects, entered the China’s market by using some Chinese symbols to enhance his reputations in China. Second, C.C. Hsu, specializing in the design of hospitals, has benefited from the China’s health reform and gained more business in China after he at the beginning provided his service to Taiwanese hospital investors. Third, J.J. Pan went to the Chinese market by mainly following his Taiwanese clients in the high-tech industry. Keywords: design-related consultant services, cross-border, Taiwanese architects, the architecture association, the state, China


李宗榮(2007),在國家權力與家族主義之間:企業控制與台灣大型企業間網絡再探,台灣社會學第13 期,頁173-242


