  • 學位論文

虛擬運營商如何使用大數據來提升對中國市場的業務模式與 競爭優勢研究

How to use Big Data to improve MVNO business model and competition strength in China Market

指導教授 : 黃崇興 余峻瑜


本論文的研究主題是研究虛擬運營商(Mobile Virtual Network Operator)如何思考大數據營銷來面對中國市場的競爭。由於中國是目前全球最大移動通信覆蓋區域的市場,不管在人口,面積以及市場規模都是最大的,面對中國虛擬運營商的開放,中國的移動通信市場從三家壟斷變成二十幾家白熱化競爭的市場,本研究就是在探討這些虛擬運營商要如何善於利用自己的企業優勢,找出自己的定位,並思考如何利用大數據營銷的方式增加競爭優勢。 本研究將分成四個階段:首先回顧移動通信市場與大數據的發展過程,並在回顧中研究移動通信的技術與服務內容的演變歷史和應用升級的過程,從過去的文獻中了解未來虛擬運營商所能提供的移動通信以及大數據營銷的服務種類與商業機會。第二階段研究國外虛擬運營商的經驗的發展歷史之中,探討虛擬運營商經營模式、關鍵技術以及全球趨勢,並參考環境分析模型的研究方法,研究中國虛擬運營商產業當今的環境因素分析,並從目前已獲得虛擬運營商執照的企業背景資訊中,探討目前虛擬運營商在中國的移動通信發展背景的優劣勢與可能碰觸的問題。第三階段將移動通信的種類,大數據營銷的思維與商機結合虛擬運營商的經驗,分解成為幾種中國虛擬運營商可選用的業務模式分類,並按照企業優勢來探討各種優勢條件下的優劣勢分析與大數據營銷的整合思維建議。最後在第四階段中提出如何籌組大數據營銷的團隊與虛擬運營商如何建立創新服務以及差異化服務的建議。 本研究的目的是希望透過歷史經驗、中國環境背景的分析以及技術創新等研究,分析出虛擬運營商的業務模式與市場競爭優勢,並建立思考模式及運用大數據來了解客戶,找出客戶的潛在需求,比其他競爭者更先一步提供服務來滿足客戶需求。目前本研究的結論仍然是屬於建議方向,未能有實際案例來驗證研究成果,後續研究方向 將會以其中一家虛擬運營商為研究目標,依照該虛擬運營商的企業特性與優勢,研究業務模式分類與競爭優勢分析在實際市場中的成果展現,並觀察結合大數據營銷之後是否帶來更佳的經營成果與戰略規畫。


The Theme of this thesis is research China MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), how to base on big data technology to compete with others MVNO in mobile business of China market。Due to base on people, territory and market size, China still is major large mobile communication market in the worldwide. Through MVNO license publish and name list announce, China’s mobile market will through 3 major operator expend to over 20 MVNO players, it’s will be very serious competition in china market. This thesis will research the MVNO, how to use own enterprise strength plus big data analyze to position the right way and strategy of market positional, to increase the energy of competition. This thesis will follow 4 steps to research MVNO and Big data. First of all, will review the mobile market and big data develop history, bases on mobile technology and big data application develop reference material to understand, MVNO can through mobile technology and big data analyze to develop new services offering to capture new business opportunities in the future. And Secondary, will research the MVNO of worldwide history. Through the history can understand the MVNO service offering, key technology and trend of worldwide develop, through reference PEST research model, to analyze China MVNO background and overall key factor of environment, then mapping the MVNO enterprise background of announcement, to research those MVNO will face which problem, strength weakness in China mobile market. Third, bases on research above, this thesis merge mobile services offering, big data analyze and MVNO experience to conduct several suggestion business model of MVNO services offering. The suggestion was consider the MVNO enterprise strength and weakness point as well. The finally, this thesis description how to establish big data analyze organization recommendation with in MVNO operation, to create difference and innovate services offering in the future. This thesis objection is based on history experience, environment of China background analyze and new technology innovate research, to analyze and find out business model and completion strength of MVNO, to establish the process and apply big data analyze to understand potential customer requirement. Ahead the competitor understand the customer need, implement the service offering to fulfill customer requirement. Currently, This thesis research result just stay on recommendation position without any prove, the continue research process will select one of MVNO, based on the enterprise industries and strength, to research prove of strategic planning recommendation, and tracking the business result of follow the big data analyze services offering with business model selection.


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