  • 學位論文

消費升級背景下基於價值鏈的外貿企業轉型升級研究 —以上海漢佑實業有限公司為例

Study on the Transformation and Upgrading of Foreign Trade Enterprises Based on Value Chain under the Background of Consumption Upgrade —Taking Shanghai Hanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. as an Example

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


對外貿易作為我國經濟增長的重要引擎,自1978年實行改革開放政策以來,為我國經濟的高速發展起到重大作用。根據國家統計局數據,1980年進出口總額570億元人民幣,而截止2017年已上升至277921億元人民幣,增幅高達487倍,而2017年國內生產總值827122億元人民幣,相對於1980年4545.62億元人民幣增長182倍。雖然進出口總額和國內生產總值都有較高增長,但相比而言,國內生產總值的增速遠不及進出口總額的增速,這也就能看出對外貿易對我國經濟的高速發展佔有多麼重要的地位。自“十五大”召開以來,國家逐漸向民營企業逐漸放開外貿經營權,相比1978年改革開放之初,民營企業進出口額占我國進出口總值的比重從忽略不計到2017年的38.5%,顯示出了民營外貿企業的強大生命力。 儘管我國外貿經濟發展成績斐然,但實際上全球經濟自2008年金融危機以來增速大大放緩,這導致部分國家的貿易保護主義逐漸變強,關於濫用反傾銷調查、反補貼調查的事件不斷增多,再加之原材料及勞動力成本上升、人民幣升值等不利因素,我國民營外貿企業的發展也遇到一定的障礙和困難。此外,全球價值鏈已逐漸成型,但由於我國大多數企業主要承擔的是生產商的角色,即代工生產,導致我國企業僅僅能獲得很低的附加值收益,而附加值高的部分往往被處於價值鏈上端的跨國企業輕鬆獲取,不僅如此,我國企業還經常受到國外企業的利潤壓榨,這種種不利情況導致我國企業的外貿利潤大幅縮水以至於無法滿足企業持續發展的需要,部分外貿企業出現生存困難的情況。因此我國外貿企業必須通過轉型升級的方法來謀取更好的生存和發展的機會。 對外貿易是我國經濟的重要組成部分,對我國經濟發展有著關鍵性作用,因此對於我國政府及企業來說,都有必要為其可持續健康發展做出努力。鑒於現階段國際貿易市場環境存在較多不利因素,我國外貿企業也在經營過程中遇到多種障礙和困難,因此很有必要對外貿企業的轉型方向和方法的選取進行深入研究,以達到促進企業平穩安全轉型目標。本文以上海漢佑有限股份公司為例,通過剖析企業所處的經營發展環境現狀,並結合企業條件尋找基於全球價值鏈的企業轉型升級的方式方法,為外貿企業的健康轉型提供新的解決思路。


As an important engine of China's economic growth, foreign trade has played an important role in the rapid development of our economy since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world in 1978. According to the National Bureau of statistics, in 1980 the total import and export 57 billion yuan, and in 2017 has risen to 277921 yuan, an increase of up to 487 times, and in 2017 827122 of GDP billion yuan, compared with 1980 of 454 billion 562 million yuan an increase of 182 times. Although the total import and export volume and GDP both have a relatively high growth rate, the growth rate of GDP is far less than that of the total import and export volume. This shows that foreign trade plays an important role in the rapid development of China's economy. Since the "15" held since the country gradually to private enterprises gradually liberalization of foreign trade rights, in 1978 compared to the beginning of reform and opening, private enterprises import and export volume accounted for the proportion of China's total import and export from 38.5% in 2017 to negligible, showing the strong vitality of the private foreign trade enterprises. Although the development achievements of China's foreign trade economy is striking, but in fact the global economy since the 2008 financial crisis, the growth rate has slowed down, which led to trade protectionism in some countries has been strong, regarding the abuse of anti-dumping and anti subsidy investigation events continue to increase, coupled with raw materials and labor costs, RMB appreciation and other unfavorable factors, development private foreign trade enterprises in China have encountered some obstacles and difficulties. In addition, the global value chain has been gradually forming, but because the majority of enterprises in China is mainly responsible for the role of the manufacturers, the OEM production, resulting in only Chinese enterprises can obtain value-added income is very low, and high added value part is often in the value chain of transnational enterprises to easily obtain, not only that, Chinese enterprises are often foreign enterprises to squeeze profits, this kind of situation in China's foreign trade enterprises profit has shrunk dramatically that it can not meet the needs of sustainable development of enterprises, foreign trade enterprises appeared to survive the difficult situation. Therefore, China's foreign trade enterprises must seek better opportunities for survival and development through the method of transformation and upgrading. Foreign trade is an important part of China's economy and plays a key role in China's economic development. Therefore, it is necessary for our government and enterprises to make efforts for their sustainable and healthy development. Since there are many unfavorable factors at this stage of the international trade market environment, China's foreign trade enterprises have encountered many obstacles and difficulties in the process of operation, so it is necessary to select the direction of the transformation and method of foreign trade enterprises in-depth research, to promote the smooth and safe transition target enterprises. This article takes Shanghai Han you limited company as an example, by analyzing the current situation of business development environment and combining with the conditions of enterprises, we find ways and means of transformation and upgrading based on global value chain, so as to provide new solutions for healthy transformation of foreign trade enterprises.


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