  • 學位論文


Development of a Project-based Construction Supply Chain Management System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


由於營造業之特性特殊,如專案導向、工期長、進度品質管控不易、無固定廠房、參與份子複雜以及利益糾紛眾多等等,且管理實務比其他產業來得複雜與困難。因此,營造業急需結合工程管理技術與資訊科技,將業務上所有必要的資訊電子化、標準化,使得規劃、設計、採購、施工等工程各階段資訊都能輕易地加以接收、運用及管理;透過網路科技運用,整合網際網路、企業網路、商際網路,將業主、設計公司、顧問公司、監造、營造廠、專業承包商和供應商交易延伸成為營建供應鏈,彼此加速工程資訊的取用,進而縮短工程各界面整合的時間。但現今電腦網際網路極為發達,上、中、下游的資訊互動極為方便,因此,如果能藉由外部即時資訊的互通與共享,可降低成本,減少耽擱,提昇工程品質與營運獲利。本研究主要目的是利用電子商務中之供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)與快速回應(Quick Response)之觀念,結合營建業專案管理模式(Project-based)理念與網際網路技術(Web Technology),使營造廠與上、下游之節點形成了供應鏈,達到營建工程資訊之「共享性」、「保存性」、「及時性」及「可及性」等特性,使得整個供應鏈成為一個「即時」且「準確」之訊息溝通管道,加上正確的策略,必定能締造營建業新的契機。本論文利用IDEF與斐式網路(Petri Nets)兩種方法進行分析與模組進行營建專案式(project-based)供應鏈管理之功能與行為模組分析,並結合PDA、Bar Code、Portal建構一個專案式營建供應鏈管理系統,並利用斐式網路(Petri Nets)動態之特性結合Portal建構一個Hub-based營建供應鏈管理追蹤控管之系統,協助營建管理人員進行追蹤控管,並以營造廠供應鏈的主導專案為案例,進行輔助分析與規劃。


The construction industry is one of the most complex industries because the total development of a project normally consists of several phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services and numerous participants involved. To improving construction project management effectively, the research proposed a solution and methodology to assist the construction project planning and controlling integrated advanced technology and supply chain management concept. Web-based applications of construction supply chain management system are proposed in the first part to describe how the supply chain concepts and applications are applied in the construction projects and to incorporate the participants involved in the project to improve the advanced project management. Also, a brand-new concept and method using IDEF and Petri Nets together is proposed to assist modeling and analysis of construction project supply chain planning and control. Petri nets provide a modeling and analysis approach that can be used to effectively study, understand, analyze, and improve construction processes. Furthermore, a petri net is a formal graphical modeling tool that can be efficiently utilized as a process modeling and analysis tool because it can graphically portray and dynamically analyze a process in an integrated manner. This research highlights the advanced features of petri nets and describes their utilization as a modeling and analysis method for the study of construction supply chain management. The dissertation contributes significantly in the Internet-based applications and computer-based simulation and analysis for construction supply chain management to provide assistance for schedulers, engineers, and project managers who deal with complex construction processes.


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