  • 學位論文


On Voicing:Ren (忍,Forberance)and Self-Transformation in the Chinese Context of Vertical Relation

指導教授 : 黃光國
共同指導教授 : 黃囇莉


過去有關忍的研究,大多為概念性的研究,將忍當作是一種國民性格或是一種因應人際衝突的策略。本研究在回顧過去關於忍的研究之後,主張採取歷程性的研究取向,認為人的忍耐經驗在多次的忍耐歷程當中會有所轉化。另外,關係脈絡在過去的文獻當中也被視為是影響個體忍之心理與行為的重要因素。因而,綜合上述,本研究欲在上下關係的權力結構中,一窺下位者對上位者的忍耐歷程及其轉化的機制。本研究採質化研究方法,針對十七名受訪者進行深度訪談,蒐集受訪者述說其忍耐經驗中轉變的資料。資料分析結果顯示,個體之忍耐的歷程可分為四個階段:「前忍耐」、「自我壓抑」、「自我區隔」、「自我勝出」,主要的內涵分別為:「言聽計從,不疑有他」、「忍氣吞聲,委曲求全」、「陽奉陰違,部分滿足」、「策略忍耐,伸縮自如」。同時,自我的狀態會隨忍耐階段而有所改變。各階段之間的自我轉化為:1) 從「前忍耐」到「自我壓抑」之間:自我覺醒、質疑權威;2)從「自我壓抑」到「自我區隔」之間:自我認同、自我分化;3)從「自我壓抑」到「自我勝出」之間:自我認同、自我立志、順勢迂迴;4)從「自我區隔」到「自我勝出」:自我立志、順勢迂迴。另外,本研究也發現:個體與權威的關係呈現互相消長的狀態,本研究用「小我」與「大我」之間的相對關係來呈現,包含六個階段:「小我與大我疊合」、「小我意識覺醒」、「小我與大我分離」、「小我的私我自主」、「小我自主且與大我勢力相當」、「小我勝出並伸縮自如」,以說明個體的自我的力量由小而大、從下到上與權威者形成抗衡,進而掌握自主的能力。本研究的結論指出:華人在忍耐歷程中,其自我的狀態是會隨之改變的且自我的力量是由小變大的。最後,本研究希望未來可以根據此一忍耐歷程及自我之轉化的特則式概念架構,編製通則式的忍耐量表,進行量化的研究,且對忍之教育與諮商介入有所幫助。


忍耐 上下關係 自我 自我轉化 權威


Ren (忍, forbearance) has been considered as a Chinese national character or a strategy of coping with interpersonal conflicts in the previous literature. In contrast with the perspective of regarding Ren (忍, forbearance,) as a national character, the approach of regarding Ren (忍, forbearance) as a strategy of coping with interpersonal conflicts specifies not only its constituents, but also how it operates in various interpersonal contexts. Adhering to this approach, Ren (忍, forbearance) was conceptualized as a psychological process with multiple operating mechanisms, and the process of Ren (忍, forbearance) was defined as various types of experience occurred at different stages toward the same social object. Meanwhile, special attention was focused on how people transform in the process of Ren (忍, forbearance). In consideration of Chinese Relationalism, the vertical relation was viewed as the most important interpersonal context for the operation of Ren (忍, forbearance). A study of qualitative approach was conducted to investigate various experiences of Ren (忍, forbearance) in vertical relations. 17 participants (6 males and 11 females) were interviewed for approximately 2-3 hours to report their own experiences of self-transformation in the process of Ren (忍, forbearance). Analysis of their narrative data indicated that four stages of self-transformation could be identified and labeled as “pre- forbearance”, “self-repression”, “self-compartmentalization” and “self-exceeding” in a sequential order. The vicissitudes of relationship between individual and authority were discussed by means of analyzing the dynamism between “ Xiao-wo” (the individual self ) and “ Da-wo” ( the authority figure): as the strength of an individual‘s self increases, it may counterbalance the power of authority figure, and the individual may become capable of being autonomous. Thus, this research concluded that the Chinese self may transform in the process of Ren (忍, forbearance) and it was suggested to construct a scale of Ren (忍, forbearance) for educational and counseling usages.


Ren vertical relation self self-transformation authority


黃囇莉、張錦華(2004)。台灣民眾的身體意象及其預測因子:以人際壓力、廣告信任為中介路徑。「中華心理學刊」,47,1- 19。
