  • 學位論文


Communication and Motivation of Cross-Cultural Managers in Organizations

指導教授 : 吳玲玲


在全球化的競爭浪潮下,跨國企業到海外設立分公司已非常普遍,企業必須不斷變化其原本的組織型態與競爭策略,才能適應變動的國際市場。因為企業國際化趨勢,越來越多企業使用不同國籍之管理幹部來管理當地公司並解決當地複雜的公司治理問題。 然而,跨國公司指派來台的外(日)籍幹部其本國文化與當地公司所在國家文化存在有明顯之差異,所以企業之外(日)籍幹部在組織溝通與員工激勵上將面臨更多的挑戰。 外(日)籍管理幹部如何有效溝通與激勵當地員工是企業能否成功的關鍵。本研究試圖探討跨文化差異對於組織上下司溝通的影響?並試圖藉由個案公司的深入訪談,希望提供未來企業在拓展海外公司外派管理幹部溝通與激勵建議。


It’s the trend of globalization which international enterprise builds up the oversea branch all over the world. Enterprise has to change organization or business strategy to meet the market. Many international enterprises assign some excellent cross-cultural manager to manage and lead local staffs. The national cultural is quite different between local staff and Cross-cultural manager; it is the big challenge for cross-cultural manage to communicate and motivate local employee to achieve company goal. How does the cross-cultural manager effectively link up and drove the local staff is a key which whether the enterprise succeeds. This research attempts to discuss the influence of different national culture in internal communication of company? By means of intensive interview with three foreign (Japan) company, finding the suggestions of superior-subordinate to do affect communication and motivation.


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