  • 學位論文


The Transition of the Left Discourse During Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwan: the Case Study of Taiwan People Times and New Taiwan People Times

指導教授 : 林麗雲


《台灣大眾時報》與《新台灣大眾時報》是台灣日據時期左翼運動團體所發表之重要言論刊物,此二份刊物的生成與論述,與台灣左翼運動之意識型態以及運動策略密不可分。 本文從論述分析的視角,以《台灣大眾時報》(1928年)與《新台灣大眾時報》(1930-1931年)為例,討論其中左翼團體所倡議之「階級鬥爭」意識型態如何形構與轉進。本文認為,日府對台農村產業政策,形構而成台灣日據時期社會之「下層」(base)結構與階級關係,此即是《台灣大眾時報》與《新台灣大眾時報》所處之社會脈絡(social contexts),而同時間台灣左翼運動團體之結盟狀態(agent coalition)亦有所轉變,造成他們所論述的「階級鬥爭」(discourse)產生變化。 本文以《台灣大眾時報》時期(1928年),與《新台灣大眾時報》時期(1930年-1931年)作為兩階段討論,分別從「台灣農村階級形構」(以糖業為例)、「左翼團體結盟狀態」(以台灣共產黨、左傾之台灣文化協會、以及台灣農民組合為例)兩方向,討論此二階段左翼團體之「階級鬥爭意識型態」的論述如何轉化。 本文發現,社會脈絡的轉變(1929年經濟大恐慌造就世界左翼革命理論大興,以及1928年後台灣製糖廠對內剝削加重),影響到左翼團體之結盟狀態(台灣共產黨方針轉向、農民組合加入論述,以及台灣文化協會被要求解散),而以上兩層次之影響因素,則具體造成《台灣大眾時報》到《新台灣大眾時報》所呈現之台灣左翼運動「階級鬥爭」意識型態的轉進︰由「體制內」之「政黨代議制度」轉向「體制外」的「武裝革命」。


Taiwan People Times(1928) and New Taiwan People Times(1930-1931) are important presses published by the Left groups of Taiwan during Japanese colonial time. “Class struggle” as a main ideology formed in the discourse of Taiwan People Times and New Taiwan People Times has its meaning switch progressionally with the change of agent-coalition and the social context. This paper employs the concepts of discourse analysis and political economic theories to exam the formulation and transition of the Left discourse during 1928 to 1931. The interest of the paper includes: (1) In terms of social context, how does “class stratification” of Taiwan form under Japanese colonial economic policy on Taiwan sugar industry? (2) In terms of agent-coalition, how do the Left groups form their alliance and develop their social movement strategies? (3) How do (1) and (2) influence the Left discourse on Taiwan People Times and New Taiwan People Times and furthermore result in its transition? The major finding is: In Taiwan People Times, the ideology of “class struggle” does not refer to “overthrowing Japanese colonization” as it advocates the legitimation and politicization of the Left movement. However, the Left discourse turns to criticize the idea of legitimation, claiming that the Left movement should be led by the groups of labors and peasants since the left movement itself should be a “class revolution”. Factors that result in such a transition include: (1) In terms of social context, the Great Depression happened in 1929 resulted in the rising of the Left revolution atmosphere. Also, the situation of exploitation within Taiwan sugar industry got worse. (2) In terms of agent coalition, Taiwan Peasant Groups started to write discourse on New Taiwan People Times. Meanwhile, the policy of Taiwan Communist Party changed from “organizing the capitalist class and forming an alliance with them” to “criticizing the cooperation with the capitalist class and aiming for the revolution led by the labors and peasants.”


Anderson, Benedict.(1987). Imagined Cmmunities: Reflections on the origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.


