  • 學位論文


The Reexamination of Scientific Foundations of Marketing Theories:Paradigm Shift and the Impact of Customer-Generated Marketing

指導教授 : 趙義隆
共同指導教授 : 黃恆獎


行銷學發展迄今對有關哲學思想與學派遞變衍生脈絡及其實存意涵之探討較為忽略,本研究爰以行銷科學哲學(philosophy of marketing science)為基礎,重新檢視行銷學理論演展與典範變遷途徑,以形塑當代經社環境與網路時代下行銷學之重要內容與應用方向,建構新行銷典範(marketing paradigm),提供更富價值之研究主題與科學哲學意涵,並運用系統性及整體論觀點,建立整合性之行銷學理論架構。 近年隨著資通訊科技飛速發展,資訊傳遞、串聯與分享之衝擊使消費者自主意識顯著提升,轉化並創新消費行為與社會經濟生活,亦促使企業重新思考傳統行銷之發展局限。Web 2.0 觸發生產者與消費者間溝通管道之多元演進,導致顧客自主行銷(customer-generated marketing)之行銷理念變革及價值移轉,消費者運用多元互動之溝通平台與網站,形成以消費者為中心之蓬勃網路社群,最著者即是林立的部落格,既分立又相互聯屬,長久被企業主封閉隱匿之消費者聲音逐漸湧現,由消費者主導之行銷時代翩然來臨。消費者、生產者、市場競爭者及參與者間以全新方式互動,如科學家運用網際網路進行無酬論辯,傳統醫病關係亦因Web 2.0技術出現,致各產業內各層次價值鏈及供應鏈產生質變與量變,消費者可變身為生產者,亦可變身為生產者推動客製化工作之策略夥伴。Web 2.0除加速提升消費者權力、改變消費者對應時空及知識之關係外,生產者與消費者之界線愈益模糊,企業與顧客關係及全球產業價值鏈之解構與重組,已徹底顛覆傳統生產、服務與行銷方式。 消費市場之普及發展結合資通訊科技之精進應用,諸項創新科技如全球互通微波存取(worldwide interoperability for microwave access, WiMAX)、第四代行動通訊技術(fourth-generation, 4G)、行動網路(mobile Internet)等新樣態電子商務模式,使企業對企業(business to business)、企業對顧客(business to customer)之由上而下行銷理念發生改變,轉以使用者為中心,可自主決定互動方式與平台,致客戶關係管理及服務模式邁入顧客對企業(customer to business)、顧客對顧客(customer to customer)之消費者主導階段。顧客自主行銷之科學哲學意涵已成為當代行銷學理論研究須正視之課題。


The core problem derived from researches on marketing theories in the twentieth century is the lack of evaluation of the philosophy of science. Scholars usually accept the existing theories without cross examination of the substantial content and the influx from other disciplines. Hence, they do not comprehend the development of the context of marketing theories, thoughts encouraged by various schools, and their evolutionary philosophical implications. This study, based on the philosophy of marketing science, reevaluates the development of marketing theories in attempting to explore satisfactory answers for the structural demands of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It also renders a more explicit research theme and philosophical significance to marketing science. The emphases on historicism and humanitarianism in the arguments and advanced empirical practices are also deemed crucial for a systemic and holistic research. Facing the information and communication technology developments and emerging ubiquitous Internet age, it has induced changes in consumer behavioral patterns as communication of information becomes more connected and efficient, which prompted business to discard conventional marketing thoughts. The technological advancement has triggered the shift and revolution of marketing paradigm which now places emphasis on customer-generated marketing and the impact of it on socio-economic life. Web2.0 resulted in the transformation at all levels of value chain within each industry, whereby the consumer could possibly act as the producer or a strategic partner of the producer. The Web 2.0 and related communication technologies is a disruptive force that has changed the way that messages about products and brands are delivered and received, and the rise of social media driven and energized by the innovation is a fundamental change for marketing concepts. Opinions of the consumer can now be valued and strengthened which eventually marked the beginning of a customer-generated marketing era. These innovations enable not only the conformation of diversified marketing networks, but also enhanced participation of consumers to put across new ideas.


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