  • 學位論文


Developing Engineering Consultance Performance For University Constructive Project--an example of National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


行政院公共工程委員會制定之「公共工程施工品質管理制度」、「公共工程施工品質管理作業要點」,及依政府採購法第70條授權訂定之「工程施工查核小組組織準則」、「工程施工查核小組作業辦法」等現行法令,均以施工廠商之施工品質及進度為主,對於技術服務廠商之履約績效評鑑尚未訂定作業規範,然而優良周延之規劃設計與監造攸關工程案件之成敗,實需制定考評技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑之準則,作為甄選技術服務廠商之依據。 現階段不論有關施工查核、公共工程金質獎的評鑑規定,或是國立臺灣大學執行之工程督導、小額修繕評鑑或無預警稽核等,均著重於施工階段,然工程生命週期的每一環節之重要性均不可言喻;尤以規劃設計階段,影響程度甚鉅,故本應優先建立規劃設計品質評鑑機制,惟行政院公共工程委員會目前並無針對技術服務廠商評鑑之法令可供參考辦理,故本研究現階段乃透過文獻回顧、相關法令規章及實務經驗從業人員訪談方式臚列履約評鑑項目,經由發放從事工程相關實務經驗人員之問卷調查方式,對評鑑項目之重要程度分5等級選項進行調查,將問卷結果藉由因素分析法及SPSS統計分析軟體分析後,萃取最佳評鑑項目,透過國立臺灣大學之實際案例測試修正後,據以建立國立臺灣大學對技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑時機及項目之機制,可依其考評結果建立優良廠商名單,作為國立臺灣大學辦理逕洽或限制性招標甄選技術服務廠商之依據。


The "Public Construction Quality Management System" and the "Public Construction Quality Management Guidelines" developed by the Public Construction Commission, with other existing laws such like "Construction Inspection Unit's Organizational Guidelines" and the "Regulations For Construction Surveillance", which are authorized according to the Government procurement law article 70, are all used to consider the performance of the construction quality and the progress of the construction companies, as regard to the performance evaluation for the technical service companies, it has not yet set the operation specification standards. However, good planning and supervision are closely related to the success or failure of a construction case, consequently developing an evaluation technique for the technical service companies’ performance evaluation standards is a need to serve as a basis at the moment of technical service company’s selection. At this stage, whether the construction checks, Public Work Golden Triad Award evaluation requirement, or the project supervisions, minor repair’s evaluations or the no warning audits implemented by the National Taiwan University, whereas during the project life cycle, every segment of the project are ineffably important; especially it may cause huge influences. Therefore it is a priority to establish mechanisms for the planning and designing quality evaluation, only that in the moment the Public Construction Commission has not developed processing references for the Accreditation of technical service companies. Therefore at this stage, the research listed the performance evaluation project items according to the literature reviews, relevant laws and regulations and practical experiences. Via interviewing related practical experienced engineering personnel by means of questionnaire, and dividing the assessments by means of importance into 5 grades investigation options. Analyze the results of the questionnaire by factor analysis and the SPSS statistical analysis software; next extract the best evaluation project items. After being tested through National Taiwan University’s actual cases, according to the result, establish the National Taiwan University’s performance evaluation and timing evaluation mechanism for the technical services. Using the evaluation results as a basis it is possible to develop a list of excellent vendors, ready to exercise when the National Taiwan University wants to select technical service companies at track contact or restricted tendering processes.


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