  • 學位論文


Strategy study of High-end electronic materials development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李存修


本研究是要針對目前半導體、PCB、LCD及能源產業的需求狀況,篩選出一些未來可投入的高階電子材料。此外藉由比較大陸與台灣各產業經濟結構,及SWOT來進行策略分析,最後再以國內外成功案例來進行探討與可行性分析,以擬定相關因應對策。 台灣經濟正面臨內需疲弱、進出口成長減緩,促使電子材料的未來將面對四大關鍵問題必須克服: 1.材料幾乎為寡佔市場,台灣雖無產製,但卻有市佔率>30%的下游廠商使用量。 2.高單價材料且有專利之產品,有高門檻且不易進入市場。 3.隨著行動通訊需求提昇,未來高階(4G、5G)市場用量快速成長,若是不投入高階材料開發的話,則會造成市佔率大幅流失的情形。 4.中國大陸對高階材料發展較台灣重視,且列入七大戰略產業。 在經過深入研究分析後,發現台灣電子材料產業正面臨新興機會及外在威脅種種問題,應以具有產業優勢的下游電子產業做基礎,並積極採取下列三項方案逐步落實以建立國內高級材料工業: 1.電子產業面對國際化競爭,唯有持續研發升級材料工業、虛心學習國外成功案例(such as 3M, 杜邦),積極發展及建立完整上游高級電子材料產業,掌控自主智財權,才能永續經營。 2.由工研院研究未來5-10年關鍵電子材料,並整合產、官、學、研的專家,尋求產業上下游廠商建立策略合作及投資夥伴。並積極與美、日先進技術公司成立材料研發聯盟,並與國外領導材料商建立在地策略合作公司,以提升台灣電子材料競爭力。 3.台灣高級電子材料產業需要業界以及政府以長期發展的視野,投入更多基礎研究資源,從事前瞻性尖端材料之研發,並給予稅賦優惠及獎勵業界及創投投入高階電子材料新創事業。


This dissertation is to study the current electronic materials applications in the semiconductor , PCB, LCD and energy industry, then to filter out some high-end electronic material items that can be invested in the future. Furthermore, we compare the global economic structure and SWOT analysis of Taiwan electronic materials industry. Finally, we bring up the domestic and international success case study by strategic analysis. In summary, Taiwan economy is facing weak domestic demand、and slow import & export growth, also there are four major issues of the electronic materials industry we must overcome in the future: 1. Several key electronic materials have virtually controlled by major electronic makers in USA or Japan, with very little production in Taiwan, however, our downstream market share is greater than 30% . There are great opportunity to enter into those high end materials market with end user’s support. 2. Several advanced materials are patented by oversea makers ,which are not easy to access with high IP barrier. 3.While mobile communication continue to upgrade to 4G、5G market, if we can not develop advanced materials for next generation applications, we won’t have enough resources and competitive advantage to enter into high end market segment. 4. Currently, Mainland China government has more incentives for the development of advanced materials industry than Taiwan, and has been included in the seven strategic industries. After our research analysis, we find out Taiwan’s electronic materials industry ‘s opportunity and weaknesses, so we propose to use our downstream electronic industry advantages as a solid end market foundation, and look into the following three major segments for strategic implementation: 1. Facing the global competition with foreign countries, Taiwan electronic materials industries must enhance the innovation and learn the successful experiences from foreign companies such as 3M, Dupont & Nitto, then establish the advanced electronic material industry with our own intellectual property for long term advantage. 2.By integrating local experts from industry, government, academia and research institute, ITRI can play a key role to coordinate materials suppliers and downstream users to form strategic alliances & investment partners, by establishing new ventures for the next 5 to 10 years, also establishing joint alliance with the foreign leading material companies from Japan & USA. 3. Taiwan’s electronic industry must put more R & D resources to establish soild foundation of high end electronic materials, together with the Government's long-term development vision & financial support as well as tax incentive for the new venture investment in the high-end electronic materials industry.


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