  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effect of Team Diversity on Team Performance: Evidence of National Basketball Association

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


本文主要探討NBA球員組成國際化成因與國際化和績效之關係。採用資料本身具有橫斷面(Cross-sectional)及時間數列(Time-series)兩種特性的長期追蹤資料(Panel Data)分析模型,以2000-01球季至2013-14球季共13年之NBA國際球員與30支球隊資料為研究樣本,將變數分為球隊、外籍球員、收益等三個面向,以NBA球員資料搭配計量方法分析。 研究結果顯示:(1) 球隊所在地族裔多元性與球員組成國際化程度無相關。 (2) 教練、聯盟分區、球隊地理位置之中的特定變數會影響球隊的多元化程度,在本文實證結果中教練年齡、聯盟東區、地理中西部與西部對球隊多元化產生影響。(3) 球員組成國際化程度與球隊戰績呈現正向關係。透過勝率以及是否進入季後賽做為因變數來驗證,國際化程度與球隊戰績間產生正向關係,支持Cox, Lobel and McLeod(1991)的觀點。(4) 球員組成國際化程度與場外銷售無相關。由於外籍球員對於主場滿場率以及主場票房收入無顯著影響,原因在於多數比賽均在美國本地舉行,因為地域限制使得外籍球員在此部分無顯著影響。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between team diversity and team performance. This paper found out the key factors of the degree of internationalization and examined the effect of team diversity on team performance in the National Basketball Association by using panel data analysis with the characters of cross-sectional and time-series. The panel data was gathered from 30 teams of NBA from 2000 to 2013. The results revealed that some specific variables would affect the team diversity such as the coach age, eastern conference and the team location. Besides, team diversity was positively associated with team performance examined by the dependent variables of win ratio and playoffs. This evidence is consistent with the perspective of Cox, Lobel and McLeod (1991). Last but not least, the empirical data showed there is no relationship between the team diversity and the box office.


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