  • 學位論文


Legislative Control of Post-award Procedural Dynamics: Modeling Judicial Behaviors of Post-award Review Systems in International Commercial Arbitration

指導教授 : 王文宇
共同指導教授 : 郭鴻基(Hung-Chi Kuo)


當一個國際商務仲裁判斷做成後,能否實現其國際可執行性,即為國際商務仲裁系統運作之最核心目標。 若欲研究國際商務仲裁判斷之國際可執行性,須從國際商務仲裁判斷後審查系統入手,特別須瞭解各國存在其內涵上差異之仲裁判斷後審查程序。關於各國內國法院審理內國撤銷仲裁之訴,擴及審理外國商務仲裁判斷之承認與執行與否,主要權限來源即為各國之內國仲裁法,此時,研究一個內國仲裁法應如何訂定、修改、引入國際商務仲裁法律原則等,即為非常重要之研究課題,值得關注。 本論文為了探討國際商務仲裁判斷後審查系統之立法模型,主要分三大部分做進一步研討: 第一部分,在進入撤銷仲裁之訴之前,當事人針對其爭端之內國或國際商務仲裁判斷進行協商,此時,如何找出雙方或多方於合約中之利益偏好與平衡點,即為決定是否進入仲裁判斷後審查程序之關鍵。一旦進入仲裁判斷後審查程序,當事人考量之行為策略即為司法決策與仲裁庭決策之權力分布,與各方可能進行結盟之最佳平衡策略。此一部份,本論文針對在進入撤銷仲裁之訴之前設計一個協商模型,探討當事人維持仲裁利益與法院撤銷仲裁判斷之權力之消長關係。 第二部分,在進入撤銷仲裁判斷之訴之後,本論文主要探討如何能夠去強化仲裁判斷之國際可執行性。這是一個理想的研究課題。雖然其重要性不言而喻,但是真實世界中,於國際商務仲裁之法律實務而言,如何才能夠有實現的一天,這也是本論文所期盼的。此一部分,本論文分析了一個國際商務仲裁判斷做成後之國際執行面,包括各國內國可能提出之拒絕承認、拒絕執行之各種主要條件,容易被各國內國法院擴大其撤銷外國仲裁判斷之權力者,主要在於提出仲裁判斷與其內國公共政策有違。本論文亦進一步探討,當一個已被外國法院撤銷之仲裁判斷,能否於他國再被重新執行之法律實務問題。針對此部分,本論文擴及相關系統與演化理論以及行為經濟等面向,導入數學社會學與大尺規社會模擬觀點,最後結合承上理論,設計後仲裁判斷程序動態之齊次系統,就其相平面之穩定性分析,顯示出倘若一個內國仲裁法所設計之撤銷外國仲裁判斷之理由密度過強,勢必會影響到一個國際仲裁判斷之國際可執行性,並關連於其內國仲裁法於國際商務仲裁判斷後審查系統中之永續運作可能性。 第三部分,在內國法院進行撤銷仲裁判斷之訴之審理時,針對無論是內國或國際商務仲裁程序本身,其具有去地域化之特性應有所瞭解並予以尊重。本論文於此脈絡下,將進一步延伸探討關連於仲裁之當代目前新興之立法和諧化潮流,擴及美國學界亦興起內國商務仲裁之法律重述,以及相關跨國界法律原則於仲裁程序可能產生之各種影響。本論文亦考量既定商業或社會規範對於立法取決可能產生之影響,乃至於一個內國仲裁之立法設計與政策,應如何針對外國仲裁判斷之承認與執行作出回應。針對此部分,須同時考慮眾多條件之互動關係,本論文設計兩個自主系統做比較,探討政治介入之控制與內國立法之控制對於外國仲裁判斷之可執行性之互動關係,顯示較少的政治介入之控制外國仲裁判斷可執行性,將會帶來國際後仲裁判斷審查系統的穩定性,有利其長期發展。 本論文最後提出建議:針對台灣仲裁立法,應積極規劃採納紐約公約並建設啟動國際商務仲裁相關配套措施,刻不容緩;同時,亦應增訂台灣內國仲裁法,於內國仲裁判斷做成後,在不影響判斷結果之情形下,賦予當事人享有針對仲裁判斷中之明顯錯誤,得要求仲裁庭限期更正並重新詮釋系爭仲裁判斷之權利。


Ensuring the international enforceability of arbitral awards is an ideal research topic for international commercial arbitration. Constructing national legislative control of post-award procedural dynamics in domestic or international commercial arbitration is the initial conditions of modeling post-award judicial review systems. Building up theories for the national or uniform legislative modeling depends on how the judicial behaviors evolve in post-award review systems. Hence, apart from typical scenarios of legal studies, this thesis applied the legislative modeling as the approach to study the stability of international post-award review systems. The purpose of this thesis is to study the theories-building basis of constructing international enforceable awards. Three research approaches include comparative legal studies, evolutionary dynamics, mathematical modeling. Legislative modeling is based on these approaches for controlling the post-award procedural dynamics, predicting the sustainability of national arbitration laws, analyzing the grounds for international post-award review systems. Firstly, this thesis studied the strategic behaviors in dispute resolution bargaining processes and analyzed the distribution of power in multilateral dispute resolution procedures. Secondly, this thesis modelled the judicial behaviors in evolutionary multilevel hierarchy of orders based on the heuristics decision-makings with the preferences of social agents. Thirdly, this thesis schemed procedural delocalized arbitrations for the national legislative management of arbitration laws. Finally, this thesis explored the theoretical grounds for constructing the international legislative control of post-award review systems. The contributions of this thesis include filling the gaps of traditional research methodologies and interdisciplinary legislative modeling and building three models for finding the equilibria of interests in post-award bargaining processes, showing that the intensity of the vacatur grounds for foreign arbitral awards made great impacts on post-award procedural dynamics, studying the influence of the political control in international post-award review systems. This thesis concluded that finding the preferences of contracts and the strategic equilibria of the parties improved the efficacy of settlement bargaining; for studying the sustainability of national arbitration laws, analyzing the long-term behaviors of post-award review systems was helpful; constructing the international legislative control of post-award review systems was based on the functions of the transnational political agents and the non-state actors. This thesis suggested to ratify the New York Convention and to add the grounds for modifications or corrections on the evident material miscalculation or mistakes and reinterpretations of arbitral awards in Taiwan Arbitration Law.


UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (revised, 2010).
The Principles of European Contract Law (revised, 2002).
Arbitration Act (U.K.) (1996).
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods [CISG] (1980).
Dallah Real Estate v. Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46.
