  • 學位論文


Study on the Issue of Taiwanese Drifters in the Cities on the Southeast Coast of Mainland China

指導教授 : 周繼祥


1987年兩岸開放交流,當時的台灣正面臨經濟轉型的階段,面對高漲的工資及有限的土地,大批台商選擇西進投資,期能利用大陸市場低廉的勞動力以及充沛的土地資源,再創事業高峰。當中,確實有一部分的台商及台幹打拼出了很好的成績,但也有些人,未能順應時勢而遭遇失敗。失敗的這些人,他們人生最精華的時光可能都在大陸度過,工作、生活以及熟悉的事物都在大陸,就算遭遇失敗,也不願意輕言放棄而離開,因為最有可能讓他們東山再起的地方就是腳下的土地,於是滯留大陸地區載浮載沉,或許有少部分人成功的東山再起,但其中的大部分人,可能隨著資源慢慢的消耗,最後變成在大陸流浪的人,也就是標題所稱的「台流」。 由於台流議題此前未有專門性的學術研究進行探討,故本研究希望透過訪談接觸過、幫助處理過台流問題的相關單位,試從訪談結果去描述台流現象是什麼?國人為何會淪落為台流?台流問題有哪些改善的方法?


台流 西進投資 台商 投資失敗 逾期居留


In 1987, Taiwan authority approved citizens to go to Mainland China to visit their families, which also marked the beginning of this comprehensive exchange between Taiwan and Mainland China. That was also the time when Taiwan was in the economic downturn, which caused a lot of Taiwanese businessmen to choose to invest in China for the sake of lower wages and the land resources. While some of them succeeded, there’s still a lot of people who failed. However, for those who failed, since they’d spent their prime life in China, and given in everything, the situation became difficult for them to choose to leave. As the time went by, the longer they stayed, the harder it became, which made them become the so called “Taiwanese Drifters”. There’s no such research in the past, thus, in this article, there are in-depth interviews with those who are in the related organizations with plenty of experiences in helping those Taiwanese Drifters, for example, Taiwanese Businessmen Associations in the cities of Southeast Coast of China, Charities, and the Straits Exchange Foundation. I’d try to describe this phenomenon, and dig out the reasons behind it, and last but not least, to find out the solutions to prevent it in the future.


Nan Lin, Karden Cook and Ronald S. Bur, 2001, “Social Capital:Theory and Research”. New York;Walter de Gruyter Inc.,p.6.
