  • 學位論文


A Study of Brand Management of Rice:The Case of TennoRice

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 黃聖茹


食米是許多亞洲國家的主要糧食也一直是台灣非常重要之經濟作物之一。由於經歷過生產過剩,及國外糧進口的衝擊,為了面對市場的競爭,台灣食米產業開始轉型,除了建構新的經營模式,強化產品分級、包裝精緻多樣化,進而建立品牌。本研究以「御皇米」為個案,以探討台灣食米產業發展品牌的作法,以期提供食米產業發展品牌之參考。對於食米的品牌經營,「御皇米企業有限公司」取代了只做食米加工的前身「東里碾米工廠」,設立品牌「御皇米」,積極建立企業形象,企圖改變台灣消費者對食米業的傳統印象。本文主要根據顧客品牌權益模型(Customer-Based Brand Equity Model, CBBE)所提品牌建立的四個步驟:品牌辨識、品牌內涵、品牌回應以及品牌關係,作為分析工具,一一檢視個案品牌管理的成果。此外,透過SWOT分析提出個案未來發展的策略。個案有完整品牌識別體系,並且配合包裝調整呈現方式,近來更有品牌擬人化的運用。從獲獎紀錄以及消費者肯定,御皇米的品牌力已經透過價格呈現。但是內部劣勢以及外在威脅,如設備老舊、缺乏專職品牌人員、花東地區交通不便、對食米消費偏好改變等,仍是個案必須持續克服與改善的項目。


Rice is the major source of food for many Asian countries, and one of the valuable cash crops for Taiwan. Because of overproduction and the impact from foreign crop import, Taiwanese rice industry starts to transform in face of market competition. This includes creating new business model, improving product classification, redesigning packaging styles, and subsequently building a brand. The thesis uses Tenno Rice company as a study case to explore the methods of brand development in Taiwanese rice business, in hope of offering useful examples for the industry. By using the Customer-Based Brand Equity Model as the analysis tool, the thesis examines the study case's result of brand management, and through SWOT Analysis, it provides strategies for the study case's future development. The study case owns the complete system of brand identity, adjustable product packaging, and recently it adopts the strategy of brand personification. The brand power of Tenno Rice has been demonstrated on its decent price, supported by record of awards and good faith from customers. But Tenno Rice has both internal and external weak points, such as outdated equipment, lack of specialized staff, inconvenient traffic in Huadong region, and changing appetite for rice consumption, these are the subjects that still need to be improved.


林孟彥譯(2006),Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter 著,管理學。華泰文化事業股份有限公司,台灣培生教育出版股份有限公司。
