  • 學位論文


Impression Development of Taiwan in Mainland Chinese Media: In examples of People’s Daily and Sina Weibo

指導教授 : 鄧志松 周嘉辰


本研究以「中國大陸媒體中的台灣印象發展」為題。主要研究之內容為2008年5月20日至2018年5月20日,10年之間,中國大陸官方媒體及中國大陸民間社群媒體,對於「台灣」這一個辭彙及其背後所代表的社會群體印象之呈現與變化。 本研究主要希望回答題有三:「中國大陸媒體中的台灣印象為何?」、「中國大陸官方媒體及民間社群媒體的台灣印象有何異同?」以及「兩岸環境變遷如何影響中國大陸媒體中的台灣印象發展?」。在研究對象的選擇上,本研究選擇了《人民日報》以及新浪微博分別作為官方媒體以及民間媒體之代表。並且以Python程式語言對這一些媒體中的報導與輿論進行關鍵字字頻、文本群集以及主題模型之文字探勘分析。 在媒體印象的整題呈現上,本研究發現,官方媒體以及民間社群媒體對台灣報導之呈現存在著相當大的議題差異性。前者較為關注兩岸政治以及經濟關係之相關議題,並帶有強烈政治宣傳屬性;後者對政治議題則較不關心,注重於台灣影視娛樂、商品購物以及旅遊景點之相關討論。 在印象變遷上,本研究檢視了兩岸重大政治事件對台灣印象之影響,並發現太陽花學運以及台灣政黨輪替等重要政治事件,的確會對中國大陸媒體中的台灣印象造成相當的影響。不同的政治氛圍與台灣當權者,不但會影響《人民日報》撰寫報導的筆調以及詮釋角度,亦會使新浪微博上較具政治性、負面以及帶有民族主義色彩的涉台議題獲得更多的關注與討論。 本研究認為中國大陸媒體中的台灣印象呈現與變遷受到了政治、社會以及心理等三方面環境變遷的影響。在政治上,逐步緊縮的輿論控制以及中國共產黨向民族主義尋求政治正當性的轉向,使國家對人民台灣印象的操弄更加無孔不入;在社會上,中國大陸經濟與科技近年快速發展,使傳統台灣相對於中國大陸具發展優勢的印象逐漸淡化甚至翻轉;在心理上,近年以中國共產黨為核心愛國主義的發展以及兩岸認同的衝突,更是使得將台灣視為一個需要被征服對象的「他者」意識更加深化。


This study focusses on the topic “Impression Development of Taiwan in Mainland Chinese Media”. The main objective of this study is to investigate how the impression of the keyword, “Taiwan”, and the social group link with this keyword, is represented and how it develops in mainland Chinese official and social media, over the course of ten years between 20th May, 2018 and 20th May, 2018. This study wishes to answer three questions: “What are the impressions of Taiwan in mainland Chinese media?”, “What are the differences of the impressions of Taiwan between mainland Chinese state-run media and social media?”, “How does the changes in cross-strait environmental factors affect the impressions of Taiwan in mainland Chinese media?”. Upon answering these questions, this study will discuss the topic in political, societal and nation building perspectives. In hope to understand the reasons behind how these impressions of Taiwan are constructed as well as how they will develop in the future. People’s Daily and Sina Weibo was chosen as subjects, to represent Chinese official media and Chinese social media. Python programing language was applied to conduct text mining analysis such as keyword search, cluster analysis and topic modeling on the reports and network public opinions on the said medias. This study found that broadcasting focus of official and social media on issues considering Taiwan are quite different. The former mainly focus on news regarding cross-strait politic and economic developments, and bear more political sensitivity, while the latter cares little about politics and more about issues related to Taiwanese entertainment and films, merchandise shopping and tourism. Other than that, this study also found that major political events such as the Sunflower Movement of 2014 and the party alternation of 2016 in Taiwan can have impacts on the impression development of Taiwan in mainland Chinese media. Under different cross-strait political environments and Taiwanese governing parties, difference of tones and interpretations can be found in news articles by People’s Daily. At the same time, the increase of discussion on issues related to negative impression of Taiwan, cross-strait politics and Chinese nationalism can be observed on Sina Weibo. This study believes that the representation and development of impressions of Taiwan in mainland Chinese media are affected by political, social and psychological factors. Politically, The gradual tightening censorship and the CCP’s pursuit of political legitimacy through Chinese nationalism have increased the state’s ability to manipulation the impressions of Taiwan of its citizens; in a societal sense, with rapid development both economically and technologically in Chinese first tier cities, the traditional impression of a better developed Taiwan has gradually weakened or even reversed over the years; psychologically, with the development of the CCP centered patriotism in mainland China and the cross-strait national identities conflicts, the perception of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people slowly shift from the collective Chinese “Self” and become “the Other”, which China needs to conquer, achieving unification by force.


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