  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 徐木蘭 簡怡雯


中文摘要 本研究以國內電腦週邊與零組件業、電子業、通訊與網路業、半導體業、光電業等五大高科技產業之工作團隊成員為樣本,進行問卷調查。以計劃行為理論的主張為論述基礎,並以國內學者所建構發展的本土工作價值觀和本土工作動機量表作為研究工具,藉此檢驗工作團隊成員的各項工作價值觀和工作動機,分別與其知識分享行為之態度、意願和實際表現的相關性方向及強度。得到以下的數項研究結果: 1.主效果分析 (1)工作團體成員的成長性、倫理性、淡泊性、工作一體性以及變通性等五項工作價值觀,各別與其知識分享行為之態度、意願和實際表現等三變項呈現正向關係。其中,尤以工作一體性與成長性兩項工作價值觀至為明顯和重要。 (2)工作團體成員的公平性工作價值觀,僅與其知識分享行為之意願和實際表現兩變項呈現正向關係。 (3)工作團體成員的務實性工作價值觀,僅與其知識分享行為之實際表現此變項呈現正向關係。 (4)工作團隊成員追求未來發展、爭取面子、回報主管以及回報同儕等四項工作動機,各別與其知識分享行為之態度、意願和實際表現等三變項呈現正向關係。其中,尤以爭取面子與回報同儕兩項工作動機至為明顯和重要。 (5)工作團隊成員追求長期目標之工作動機,僅與其知識分享行為之實際表現此變項呈現正向關係。 (6)工作團體成員的知識分享行為之態度、意願和實際表現等三變項,彼此間兩兩互為正向關係。 (7)人口背景統計變項,包括性別、年齡、教育程度、服務年資、職務銜、所屬工作團隊類型等,各別與知識分享行為之態度、意願和實際表現等三變項間的相關性,無法獲得證實。 2.中介效果分析 (1)工作團體成員的成長性、倫理性、淡泊性、工作一體性和變通性等五項工作價值觀,皆分別會透過成員知識分享行為之態度的中介作用,進而間接正向影響其知識分享行為之意願。 (2)工作團體成員的公平性工作價值觀,乃是透過成員知識分享行為之意願的中介作用,進而間接正向影響其知識分享行為之實際表現。 (3)工作團體成員追求未來發展、回報主管、爭取面子和回報同儕等四項工作動機,皆分別會透過成員知識分享行為之態度的中介作用,進而間接正向影響其知識分享行為之意願。 (4)工作團體成員對於知識分享行為的態度,乃是透過其知識分享行為意願的中介作用,進而間接正向影響其知識分享行為之實際表現。


Abstract This study’ research framework was based on the logical claim of theory of planned behavior, and adopted Taiwanese work value scale and Taiwanese work motivation scale to be the measurement instruments. Sampling from Taiwanese five high-tech industries’ work team members, this study investigated the relationship between work team members’ each work value, each work motivation, attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior, knowledge-sharing behavior intention, and actual knowledge-sharing behavior. Results are as followed: 1.analysis of main effect (1)Work team members’ five work values(growth, ethic, blandness, working harmony, and contingency)each is positively related with their attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior , knowledge-sharing behavior intention, or the actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (2)Work team members’ work value of equity is only positively related with their knowledge-sharing behavior intention or the actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (3)Work team members’ work value of diligence is only positively related with their actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (4)Work team members’ four work motivations(seeking future achievement, repaying for the leader, gaining the “face”, and repaying for the coworkers)each is positively related with their attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior , knowledge-sharing behavior intention, or the actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (5)Work team members’ work motivation for long-term goal-arrived is only positively related with their actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (6)Work team members’ attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior, knowledge-sharing behavior intention, and the actual knowledge-sharing behavior, are positively related with each other. (7)The relationship between each demographic variables(sex, age, education level, tenure, job title and work team type) between work team members’ attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior , knowledge-sharing behavior intention, or the actual knowledge-sharing behavior, is not significant. 2.analysis of mediating effect (1)Work team members’ attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior positively mediates the each relationship between their five work values(growth, ethic, blandness, working harmony, and contingency)and the knowledge-sharing behavior intention. (2)Work team members’ knowledge-sharing behavior intention positively mediates the relationship between their work value of equity and the actual knowledge-sharing behavior. (3)Work team members’ attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior positively mediates the each relationship between their four work motivations(seeking future achievement, repaying for the leader, gaining the “face”, and repaying for the coworkers)and the knowledge-sharing behavior intention. (4)Work team members’ knowledge-sharing behavior intention positively mediates the relationship between their attitude toward the knowledge-sharing behavior and the actual knowledge-sharing behavior.




