  • 學位論文


Emotion Verbs and Related Constructions in Taiwan Southern Min: A cognitive Perspective

指導教授 : 呂佳蓉


近幾年來,情緒已經受到廣泛的關注。隨著認知語言學的興起及發展,情緒表達相關研究有助於我們對於認知處理以及概念的了解。因此,本篇論文主要關注台灣閩南語情緒動詞試圖了解認知與情緒語言之間的互動關係。 有著漢語(Sinitic languages)獨特的構詞音節造字特性,台灣閩南語有豐富的單字情緒動詞(monosyllabic emotion verbs)以及複合詞情緒動詞(disyllabic emotion verbs)。我們選出同時單字情緒詞以及複合詞情緒動詞等六個負面情緒範疇(氣/煩/驚/苦/念/恨)以及兩個正面情緒範疇(愛/惜)。單字情緒動詞的語意網絡表達出動詞的多義性、範疇間的並無絕對的分界及情緒概念的原型。此外,根據Johnson-Laird和Oatley(1989)的分類將複合詞情緒詞分成五種語意場域,包括基本/致使情緒(basic/caused emotion)、情緒關係(emotional relations)、情緒目標(emotional goals)、使役情緒(causative emotions)以及複雜情緒(complex emotions)。 由於單字情緒動詞的多框架特性以及複合詞情緒動詞的構詞豐富性促使我們觀察情緒動詞在句法上的呈現。我們依據及物性以及論元角色的呈現,分成感受者為主詞類型(ES-type)以及刺激物為主詞類型(SS-type);此兩類型又各自包括兩個抽象構式,即及物構式和感受者為主詞之不及物構式以及使役構式和刺激物為主詞之不及物構式。此外,我們也發現因為複合詞情緒動詞的構詞複雜所以動詞和構式類型有一對一的一致性,不會像單字情緒動詞可以同時跟多個構式結合(fusion)。同時,這些複合詞情緒動詞多以「感受者」作為情緒表達的觀點,相反地,以「刺激物」作為情緒表達的觀點則需使用較複雜的構式。 刺激物為主詞之構式表達情緒使役。除了詞彙使役(lexical causatives),構詞使役(morphological causatives)和分析使役(analytical causatives)也能被使用來平衡少量的詞彙使役。關於構詞使役,我們提出結果-動詞複合詞(resultative-verb compounds)和動詞-補語複合詞(verb-complement compound)兩個抽象構式。兩者分別描述或表達出情緒強度以及情緒評估。通常用於這兩者複合詞的情緒動詞只能是單音節且具有使役語意的,如氣/驚。另外,分析使役是在語言中表達使役最普遍的策略,不需要使役動詞也不侷限於單字情緒動詞,狀態情緒動詞也能表達情緒使役。 除了情緒動詞的討論,我們也訴諸於台灣閩南語五個常與情緒動詞互動的構式,包括EV_KAH構式、EV_CHIT-E構式、HO-LANG_EV構式、BO-SIANN-MIH-THANG_EV構式以及性情構式。這些高頻情緒構式從三個層面來探討: (1)預設的詞彙類型、(2)在情緒構式的語意結構後的認知運作以及(3)句法的表徵。這五個構式表達了廣義情緒概念的各種面向,如情緒所造成的情緒反應、心情、個性特徵以及情緒事件評估。 對於台灣閩南語情緒動詞以及情緒相關構式的分析後,我們探討三個議題: (1)台灣閩南語情緒事件的關注分布;(2) 情緒構式中時段性述語(Stage-Level Predicate)及個人性述語(Individual-Level Predicate)的差異;(3)情緒使役。第一,情緒事件時空上連續但在認知上可以被分割成觸發階段、情緒經驗階段以及情緒反應階段等三階段。在情緒構式中,有三種情緒語言表達的類型,分別為[情緒為結果]、[情緒為狀態]以及[情緒為原因]。其中,表達[情緒為結果]存在著最多表達的構式,說明了情緒常被視為事件的終點(endpoint)。當情緒事件中被省略的(gapped)階段也證明語言建構框架內容的彈性以及反映情緒動詞的獨特性(idiosyncrasy)。第二,情緒動詞本身為時段性述語,但受到所相連的構式環境影響會被強制轉換成個人性述語。第三,我們探討情緒使役,如其狀態情緒動詞與使役情緒動詞的差異,主事者在情緒事件中的操控度,主事者為感受者則對於情緒狀況的掌握度大於主事者為刺激物的情緒事件。另外,情緒使役構式的直接性和粒狀描述也透過Croft的使役模組呈現;最後,我們根據Langacker的觀測排列概念,分析所有表達情緒使役的構式提出一個主觀性連續體(subjectivity continuum)。


情緒 情緒動詞 構式 事件結構 使役


Emotion has raised widespread concerns among different fields in recent years. With profound advance made in cognitive linguistics, it has turned over a new leaf of research on emotion expressions, since, instead of being thought of as an irrational behavior and a mere spontaneous psychological response, emotion is investigated to facilitate the understanding of cognitive processing and conceptualization. Hence, the present thesis specifically focuses on the emotion verbs in Taiwan Southern Min (TSM) in an attempt to explicate the relation of cognition to the emotion language. With the unique morphosyllabic characteristics of Sinitic languages, Taiwan Southern Min has abundant monosyllabic and disyllabic emotion verbs. Five criteria are proposed to filter out eight basic emotion domains, including six negative emotions,氣khi3, 煩hoan5, 驚kiann, 苦khou2, 念liam7,恨hun7,and two positive emotions,愛ai3 and惜sioh, on which disyllabic emotion verbs are classified. The semantic network of monosyllabic emotion verbs shows the verbal polysemy, exhibits no absolute boundaries and gives considerable insights to the prototype concept of emotion. Moreover, based on Johnson-Laird and Oatley’s (1989) classificatory scheme, the disyllabic emotion verbs are mapped to ferret out five semantic fields, which subsume basic and caused emotions, emotional relations, emotional goals, causative emotions and complex emotions. The multi-framed characterization of each monosyllabic emotion verb and the morphological enrichment of the disyllabic emotion verbs induce us to observe the syntactic manifestation of the emotion verbs. Based on transitivity and the realization of argument roles, four general constructions are derived, including transitive, causative, ES-intransitive and SS-intransitive constructions. It is indicated that the one-to-one correspondence between the verbs and the constructions (i.e., ES-type or SS-type) is upheld for the disyllabic emotion verbs because of the morphological complexity. Results show that the lexical disyllabic emotion verbs tend to explicate the occurrence of emotions from Experiencer’s perspective, which urges us to explore more complex constructions that encode the Stimulus-oriented perspective. The stimulus-subject constructions denote emotion causation. In addition to the lexical causatives, morphological and analytical causatives are strategized to balance the lack of lexical causatives. As for the morphological causatives, though schematic, they include the restultative-verb compounds (RVCs) and verb-complement compounds (VCCs). They express the intensification of emotion and the evaluation of emotion respectively. Yet, it is the monosyllabic causative verbs,khi3andkiannthat are required for compounding. Other than that, the analytical causative is also a common strategy to express causation in language. Unlimited to the monosyllabic emotion verbs and impermissible to the causative emotion verbs, the construction only registers the stative emotion verbs. Beyond the lexical scope, we resort to five constructions that are frequently collocated with the emotion verbs in TSM, including EV_KAH construction, EV_CHIT-E construction, HO-LANG_EV construction, BO-SIANN-MIH-THANG_EVconstruction and Disposition construction. They are analyzed in terms of their default lexical patterns, the cognitive operation underlying the semantic structure and the syntactic specification. These specific constructions unearth a very broad rangeof emotion concepts, such as emotion as a cause to the reaction, moods description, personal emotional traits, and evaluation. After the detailed discussion of the lexical emotion verbs and the constructions they participate in, we looked into three follow-up issues: (a) windowing of attention over the emotion events in TSM, (b) SLP-ILP distinction, and (c) emotional causation. First, the windowing of attention over the emotion events can be cognitively demarcated into three patterns in language: Emotion as Result, Emotion as State and Emotion as Cause, among which Emotion as Result can be manifested in disparate constructions. This substantiates that emotions are often viewed as the endpoint of the event, congruent with the inherent nature of language in favor of the endpoint of event. Furthermore, the gapped portions of the emotion event-frame also exhibit the flexibility of the content retrieval and verbal idiosyncrasy. Second, the emotion verbs are inherently SLPs, while the constructions they may be coerced to ILPs under the constructions they associate with. Third, we delve into the constructions that denote causation. The cognitive conceptualization of the causative and stative emotion verbs and the controllability of subjecthood are compared. The directness and granularity of the emotioncausatives, is stated in terms of Croft’s causal structure model and (1991), a subjectivity continuum model among constructions that denotes emotional causation in terms of Langacker’s viewing arrangement (1991) is formulated in the end.


emotion emotion verbs construction event structure causation


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