  • 學位論文

野台世代之歌—— 一個搖滾音樂祭的崩世光景

Do You Smell Like Formoz Spirit?--A Generation Story About Formoz Festival

指導教授 : 何東洪
共同指導教授 : 何榮幸(Jung-Shin Ho)


在台灣眾多音樂祭當中,1995年開辦至今的野台開唱,十四年來,承載著許多樂迷的音樂記憶和台灣獨立音樂的發展軌跡。2009年,主辦單位卻宣布了停辦的消息,讓曾參與的樂迷不勝唏噓。而停辦的舉動,似乎也透露出,舉辦音樂祭必須面對各個時空背景下的難題,而非一如其名的烏托邦式想像。 野台這個音樂場景是從「北區大專搖滾聯盟」的成立而開始,由輔大學生許恆維發起,串聯各大專院校熱門音樂社,在台大校門廣場舉辦台灣樂團免費演唱會。1998年許恆維入伍後,這個一年一度的樂團演出便由林昶佐〈Freddy〉接手,於1999年改名為「台灣音樂革命軍」,並藉由網路連結全台各地音樂社群。2000年,改名為「全國搖滾聯盟」〈TRA,Taiwan Rock Alliance〉。野台歷經地點的流連-台大校門、北美館廣場、大安森林公園、市政府,最後站穩兒童樂園,一步步往嘉年華盛會的規模邁進。 如同官網所言,「你可能嚮往過它,享受過它,也可能討厭過它……。背載著成千上萬曾經在它身上瘋狂吶喊的靈魂和記憶……。」這個夏日舞台是後期樂迷的一種集體記憶,而對於把過往草創時期美好掛在嘴邊的樂迷來說,他們當年的音樂祭記憶似乎又是另一種不同的模樣。從九O年代至今,野台唱出了這一代年輕人的聲音。 對各個世代的樂迷來說,這些都是曾經伴隨他們青春的集體記憶,無論是早年在大安森林公園簡陋卻充滿熱血理想的野台,抑或近年遊樂園中的多舞台設計,宛若嘉年華的盛會,都是不同時代觀眾心中的時代印記。 走過1995到2008年的野台開唱,見證了千禧年前後的樂團之聲以及樂迷的青春時光,它不僅是台灣樂團的搖籃、樂迷的共感情緒,更框出了野台世代的音樂圖像。此報導試圖透過參與樂迷的訪談,以理解這個十四年舞台的流轉樣貌,在野台開唱與樂迷投入的對照中,捕捉那相互輝映出的世代圖像。


野台開唱 迷群 音樂祭 世代


Among Taiwan’s music festivals,“Formoz Festival”, which started from 1995, has recorded the musical memories of fans and the development of Taiwan’s indie music. However, in 2009, the host declared the halt of Formoz Festival suddenly, which made every participant sob extremely. The halt showed that hosting a musical festival seemed not just ideal Utopia imagination, but had to be faced with various difficulties under different space and time. “Formoz Festival”started from the establishment of“Rock Union of the Northern Universities”, launched by a Fu Jen student, Hsu-heng-wei. He united the clubs of pop music in every university and held a concert in the square of NTU for free. After Hsu-heng-wei took military service in 1998, Lin-chang-tso (Freddy) took charge of this annual concert. He changed its name into“Taiwan’s Musical Revolutionists”and connected the musical groups in different locations in Taiwan by the internet. In 2000, the name of the festival shifted into“Taiwan Rock Alliance”. Formoz Festival hosted successively in the square of NTU, the square of Taipei fine arts museum, and Taipei City Hall. Finally it was held in Taipei children’s recreation center and enlarged its scale to carnivals step by step. To the musical fans of every generation, these memories, no matter the humble concerts but with great passion held in Da-An Forest Park long time ago, or the luxurious design of the stage, which made it like a carnival these years, impressed deeply the fans of different generations. “Formoz Festival”, which existed from 1995 to 2008, indeed recorded the bands around the millennium and the youth of every musical fan. It was not only the cradle of Taiwan underground groups and connected the common spirits of musical fans, but also drew out the musical picture of Formoz generations. This reports aims to investigate the development of this fourteen-year festival by visiting those participants and to grasp the generation picture by comparing Formoz Festival and those overboard musical fans.


Formoz Festival Fans Music Festivals Generations


吳姿嫻(2008 年)。〈迷的前世、今生、未來:論「新媒介科技迷」〉,「2008 中華傳播學會」。
謝光萍(2005)。《誰在那裡聽自己的歌─台北live house樂迷與音樂場景》。台灣大學新聞研究所碩士論文。


