  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Feasibility and the Related Policy For Offshore Wind Power Development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 游以德


全球為因應全球暖化所帶來的影響,逐漸開始發展再生能源,其中風能為其中選項之一。由於陸上風力發電在開發上可能面臨風能資源較不穩定以及土地取得等困難,目前風力發電開始逐漸朝向海上來發展。目前離岸風力發電主要國家以歐洲地區為主,又以丹麥、英國以及德國發展最為成功與迅速。臺灣地區近年來也開始推展再生能源之發展,其中離岸風力發電的建置也為發展項目。 本研究以歐洲離岸風力發電建置經驗與發展現況,來看臺灣未來離岸風力發電的機會。利用國外英國風能協會、歐洲風能協會、丹麥能源局以及國內中央氣象局、臺灣近海水文中心、營建署、能源局等相關資料,藉由文獻探討、比較分析以及地理資訊系統(GIS)疊圖等研究方法,發現未來在技術可行性下,優先設置離岸風力發電場的區位應以彰化與雲林一帶的海域最為合適。而政策與法規面上,歐洲藉由再生能源發展目標的擬定、現有法規上的修訂、以及提供較高的經濟誘因如較高的收購電價以及合理的利潤、簡化的程序(One-Stop-Shop)來促使離岸風力發電之發展。臺灣地區雖近年來通過再生能源法以及公布第一階段設置離岸風力發電廠方案,規劃以300MW作為第一階段規畫目標,但臺灣地區申設離岸風場牽涉單位複雜以及法規上的限制、躉購電價相對於其他國際上發展離岸風力發電之國家來的低,造成離岸風力發電申設時的風險提高,廠商近一步的投資意願不大。因此臺灣未來如要發展離岸風力發電,應著重在政策方面如獎勵措施或提高補貼以及現有法令上的修改來加速前進腳步。


In response to global warming, many countries around the world have gradually begun to develop renewable energy sources, including wind energy. Wind turbines can be installed onshore or offshore. As development of onshore wind power can be limited by factors such as unstable amount of wind and land availability, for these reasons there has been further research and development of offshore wind installation. Currently offshore wind power has seen the most success in European countries such as Denmark, Britain and Germany. Taiwan has also begun to promote and develop renewable energy, including the establishment of offshore wind power. This research is conducted based on European experience with offshore wind power development, in order to assess Taiwan's future opportunities. Information collected on European offshore power included British Wind Energy Association, European Wind Energy Association, & Danish Energy Agency. For information on Taiwan, the source included Central Weather Bureau, Coastal Ocean Center, Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, and Bureau of Energy. Through literature review, comparative analysis, and Geographic Information System (map overlapping) it has been shown that the feasibility of offshore wind farm development should take priority in bodies of water in western Yunlin and Changhua. The European renewable energy regulation consists of regulatory policies which include targets, amendments on existing regulations, provision of high economic incentives such as higher electricity prices (feed-in tariffs). Other benefits include One-Stop-Shop to help facilitate the application process, to promote the development of offshore wind power. Although in recent years Taiwan has passed the Renewable Energy Law and other related policies, development in offshore wind power has been constrained by regulatory restrictions and low feed-in tariffs compared to other countries leading to low incentive to invest. In order for Taiwan to become successful in developing offshore wind power, it should focus on amending policies to make incentives more attractive to the investor.


Offshore Wind Power Feed-in Tariffs Feasibility Policy GIS


Danish Energy Agency, 2009, Wind turbines in Denmark, DEA.
R. Saidur , M. R. I., N.A. Rahim, K.H. Solangi, 2010, A review on global wind energy policy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, pp1744-1762.
BWEA,2010, http://www.bwea.com/offshore/index.html


