  • 學位論文


Channel Strategy Analysis of Small Domestic Appliances —A Case Study on Company H

指導教授 : 李書行


零售相關產業在零售通路歷經了三個階段的變革,從第一階段的傳統實體販售,到因應科技進步後冒出以往不曾出現的虛擬通路,不論是何種業態的品牌商或是零售商都受到相當的衝擊,實體通路不再是唯一銷售型態,通路商和品牌商也都因此面臨消費者流失,營收減少,通路經營成本提高的問題。品牌商或代理商該如何利用實體通路的特性,掌握消費者的訊息及動態,又該如何在進入第三階段馬雲所謂的新零售市場,將實體與虛擬線上線下整合,持續經營的獲利與成長。 本文以既是小家電品牌代理商,又同時擁有自營通路的H商為例,在經歷10年的快速增長後,同樣面臨通路三階段的變革,從傳統的實體通路、虛擬通路進而到實體虛擬線上線下整合的挑戰;研究範圍從一開始將產業別定義為小家電,再到現今台灣四種主要零售通路-量販、3C、百貨、虛擬的特色、販售內容及其通路的限制來研究H商所看到的通路發展與現象,並以H商其中一個營業事業單位在2018實際於零售市場經營的成效來看各個通路的獲利及其對H商現階段的重要性。 由於現今消費者的樣貌變化多端,在原有零售市場的經營通路下,已不能滿足H商在未來銷售成長的需求,因而展開自身的直營通路,儘管H商直營通路現今的銷售仍看不出獲利的直接功效,但在O2O新零售中,掌握消費需求與喜好,才能不受限於外在零售通路的需索,本著專業經理人的職責在消費者求新求變下,期許能為H商直營通路及商品提出個人些許的看法與建議,期望H商能持續成長,透由其代理的各式小家電商品,為台灣消費者帶來更多的美好生活。


零售通路 小家電 虛擬 O2O新零售


The retail industry has been through 3 stages of evolutions. The first stage is physical retail sales channel while the second stage is virtual online sales channel due to technological development. Both brand owners and retailers are greatly impacted by the emerging virtual online sales channel since the physical channel is no longer the only available sales channel. For them the challenging problems include losing customers, revenue reduction and higher channel costs. What brand owners and retailers can do to leverage the physical channels to utilize the customer information and preferences? How should they react to the so called “new retail market” coined by the former Alibaba CEO Ma Yun to integrate the online and off-line channels to keep the revenue and profit growth? This paper focuses on “Company H” which is the distributor of small domestic appliances while maintaining its own sales channel. It has also been through 3 stages of channel evolutions with various challenges in physical channel, virtual channel, O2O integration separately in past ten years of rapid growth. The scope of the study starts with the definition of small domestic alliances and reviews both the characteristics and limitations of 4 major retail sales channels in Taiwan: hyper-market, 3C sales channel, department stores and the virtual channel before focusing on the problems and predicament challenging the “Company H”. It deals with one business unit of the “Company H” as example with analyses of its financial results to highlight the contributions and relative importance of each sales channel. Due to the variety of customers and the limitation of current sales channels, “Company H” needs to set up the company-run retail stores as the key milestone in O2O integration. This paper explores both the opportunities and challenges of incorporating new initiatives including company-run retail stores with the anticipation of keeping the growing trend of “Company H” and bringing more small domestic appliances to the customers in Taiwan enjoying their lives with higher satisfactions.


retail channel small domestic appliance virtual O2O


一、 中文文獻
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3. 方文昌、王俊人,1998,商業概論,龍騰文化。
4. 王浡,2015,Online to Offline 商業模式研究和市場競爭分析:以中國零售服務行業為例,國立台灣大學管理學院研究生碩士論文
