  • 學位論文

環境影響評估制度民眾參與機制之研究- 以國道東部公路蘇澳花蓮段為例

The Role of Public Participation in the Process of Environmental Impact assessment -The Suao-Hualien Expressway Experience

指導教授 : 張長義


環境影響評估(environmental impact assessment, 簡稱環評)乃是就開發行為對自然及人為環境所造成的影響進行事前評價,以達成防範未然之環境保護目標之重要工具。我國環境影響評估法自1994年底通過實施迄今,對於減輕國內重大開發案對環境之影響有一定程度的作為與貢獻,然而隨著民眾環境意識的提升,現有參與機制已無法滿足民眾需求,是故十餘年來有不少開發案由於業者與影響範圍內的居民溝通不良,引發環評程序上之爭議;因此,民眾參與環評之角色定位乃是當前值得深入探討的課題。 本研究將參與環評之民眾定義為權益關係人,並以國道東部公路蘇澳花蓮段為個案,透過關鍵權益關係人之訪談,分析民眾參與在環評過程中所發生之問題,探討其原因,並進一步提出可行的解決之道,以作為日後重大開發案環評之參考。研究發現參與時機等制度設計上之重要問題外,尚有需要法律進一步規範不足之處,例如何謂「民眾」應有清楚之定義,其參與才具有代表性和正當性;參與者在討論前若能有一致的目標,將有助於對話聚焦並有效的交換意見、達成共識;而民意應該受到怎樣的重視也必須由法律保障之,以免引發爭議,並確保未來民眾參與的意願。


The conduct of Environmental Impact Assessment Act, which was passed at the end of 1994, indeed has contributed to reduce the negative environmental consequences of development activities. Because of the raising awareness of the environment, people are no longer satisfied with the present participation which is limited and narrow. Due to this, when we reviewed several recent development activities, the miscommunication between the project proponents and the residents caused the disagreement about the procedure of EIA. This research addressed the problems arisen from the implementation of public participation based on the case study of Suao-Hualien Expressway. By interviewing several key stakeholders, this research concluded that in order to avert disputes, “the public” should be explicitly defined to make the participants’ stance more legitimate and justifiable. In order to derive more concentrated and effective discussion and communication, the consensus should be built when the participation takes place. The public opinion should be protected by laws in order to avoid conflicts and foster the public willingness to participate in the future.


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